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*Starts playfighting back*

Fenn! Fennfenn!



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*Tugs Finn's ear*



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*Get's pulled by Skye*

Fenn! Fenniken!

Dylan: Play nice you two!

*Thinks* I got to get him back to normal. But how? He's always so sad when he's away from other Fennekins


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*Let's go of Finn and smiles*



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*Smile back* Fenn!

Dylan: *Thinks* Maybe I ought to keep Skye seperate from the other Fennekins for a while and see if he improves


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(ooc: Actually, I have thought of a way how Skye can be fixed...)

*Points towards hill in the distance*



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(Cool! But is Dylan going to kmow it? )


Dylan: Stay inside you two!

Finn: *Looks disappointed* Fenn...


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(ooc: He might be able to work it out!)

*gives pleading look to Dylan*



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(What is it then? )

No Skye. I want you both where I can see you


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(ooc: Take a guess. It's a pokemon thing!)

*ears droop* Fenn...

*walks over to Dylan. Bites and pulls on coat, trying to pull Dylan towards the door.*


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(ooc: Um... no idea. Too many ideas)

Skye. No. We're not going out. Please stop pulling me over


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(ooc: Evolve!)

*Stops pulling Dylan. Looks at him sadly, then lies down.*


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(ooc: Fennekin evolved into a Skye! Interesting)

*Sits down and begins stroking Skye* Dont be sad Skye! Im only trying to look after you as best as I can! You understand, fenn?


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(ooc: Yep. It make sense in context... somehow!

Looks at the last word Dylan said... uh oh...)

*Starts smiling as is being stroked. Nods head*



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(Kinda, yeah

Yep. Its taken its time to star)

*Smiles back* Fenn. You can still play around here while I um... do... fenn

Finn: *Looks at Dylan worried*


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(ooc: I guess Dylan would have been okay had he not taken so, so many Fennekin's home with him).

*Looks at Dylan confused* Fenn? Fennekin? *shakes head*

*looks at Finn also worried* Fenn?


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(He wouldve been fine. Yeah. But hes already spent a lot of time with them)

*Looks confused*

Fenn? Is something wrong? You arent making sense!



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(Oh dear)

*looks scared*

*puts front legs on Dylan.* Fennekin *shakes head*



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I know I'm not a Fennekin Skye! Why would I - fenn - I am?



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*shakes head* Fennekin! No!


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I dont understand what you're worried fenn. You keep telling me im not a fennekin when I already - fenn - that!


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*looks at Finn* Fenn Fenn! Fenn! Fennfennfenn! Fennekin.

*Translation: Maybe if we get him away from all the other Fennekins...*


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