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Yeah I... heehee... am. It always tickles. Unless it's a big repair.


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Have you ever needed a big repair?


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This arm is ready, you should be able to move it with no problems. *moves to the other arm, and starts unwiring*


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Tha... OUCH! Dad, that arm's fine. And once Dylan. I, uh... needed a hand replaced.


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Whoops! *starts reconnecting the circuits* anything else?


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No. I just had a tear in the skin fabric when Seviper splashed me. Having my pain circuits flair up and red warning messages flashing in my eyes isn't pleasant.

It... it was a silly accident Dylan. I was tinkering about in the workshop, but haddn't secured a panel properly. It came down on my hand and... well...


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That... doesn't sound at all pleasant. Both of those. Did you fix your hand or did they do it?


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It sound painful, but I don't know with cybernetics.


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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It... wasn't really painful. We can feel pain, so we can... can... can act normal... But in cases like that the receptors just turn off. But I had to go back to them to get it fixed. But they... they were all kind, understanding and friendly about it. That was when they offered to replace my tails.


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Understanding? Really? Well, I guess they go through that sort of thing too. And you turned down having your Tails replaced


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I guess... it was part of.... being one of them.


And yeah, I did.


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It's okay Skye. You never agreed to it and were just doing what you could in this situation


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Why would you replace what identifies you?


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Because they don't work right Dad. And they'd still look the same. I didn't go through with it, I just said it was tempting. Id I could fly properly it wouldn't have been.


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But in these cases you just have to learn and make yourself better. Not cheat in this way


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I know, I know.

*starts tearing up*

But if I'm already a half-machine monster.....


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But you are still my son, no matter what.

*hugs Skye*


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No your not. You're Skye Prower. And don't you forget it. Just like Tails said, you are also his son


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Right, and nothing is going to change that.


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