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Do you still have that sensation? Of being a Fennekin?


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I.. fenn... I do...


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I'm going to put you down in a safe place...I gotta leave to work, be safe. And don't get close to the Fennekins.


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But I LIKE fennekin's Dad.

They.. they call to me... they want to play with me...

Fenn... Fenn...


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*lands* Every time I leave and come back there's something new with you...I-I just don't know what to do...I'm going to find an effect repellant instead of going to work...I'll be in my lab if something happens. *flys off*


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*watches Tails fly off*

*a second Skye walks next to the first*

2nd Skye: You know, I think there's only ONE Dad here to all the different versions of us. That's why he freaks out so much. I mean, for each of us the weird things happen only occasionally.

1st Skye: Yeah, maybe we should go easier on Dad. And shouldn't you be in the Last to Post Topic.

2nd Skye: *shrugs* Probably, but there's not much for me to do there, so...

1st Skye: You best head back just in case.

2nd Skye: Yeah, I guess. Still, it was nice to meet me!

1st Skye: I'm very welcome.

*Both grin. 2nd Skye disappears*


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More foxes!!!

Soon the topic will be overrun!!!

Oh wait it already is!!!

Who will help!!!

Who will stop the insanity!!!

Why am I putting 3 exclamation marks at the end of each sentence!!!


Edited by Seviper

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And he's trying to sully your name with his not-posting-a-number shenanigans!

I'm not an idiot.


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(He was just joking NMS. It wasn't meant personally

Two Skyes? Cool!)

*Takes Fennekin back to house*

Right. You go play with the others outside and I'll bring you food shortly

Fennekin: Fenn! *Scampers off*


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*sits back against tree*

I could do with a nap

*drifts off)


(We're back to one now)

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(I can see. Hmm... Should I? Shouldn't I?)

*Another Fennekin wanders around*

*Spots Skye sleeping by tree*


*Brushes against Skye*

(Heh heh)


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*smiles in sleep*

Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Fennnnnnnnnnn.....


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Fennekin: Fennekin! *Starts sleeping on one of Skye's tails*

Dylan: *Looking on at masses of Fennekins* Is one of you missing?


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Fen--ne--kin.... zzzzzz....fen-ne-kin.... zz.... fennfennfenn! zzzzzzzzzzz


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It will never stop!!!

It's too outrageous!!!

I'm still doing it!!!


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*Fennekin keeps sleeping*

Dylan: Where is that Fennekin! *Puts twigs out for other Fennekins who happily start eating*

Come on Finn. Let's find your friend

Finn: Fenn!

(Doing what Seviper?)


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Putting 3 exclamation marks at the end of each sentence!!!

I want to stop but I can't!!!


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*Skye still curled up with Fennekin, dreaming Fennekin dreams*


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*Is wandering around*

(Should I call Eliza and tell her what you left?)


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(Yes! Tell her Dylan!)

Zzzzzz fennfennfenn zzzzzzzzzz


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Finn: Fenn?

Dylan: *Hears snoring* Skye?

Other Fennekin: *Begins to stir*

(You could do it too, Skye!)


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