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Inuki! Please, no! Be a good Storm Pup!



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*strong gales of wind begin to blow* Mwahaha! Imma doin; it!


(changed it)

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Inuki no... I uh...

Uh... I don't wanna do this...

Don't make me...

Bad Storm Pups don't get pets!


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. . .. . . . . . . . No pets? *winds suddenly die down*


Edited by Inuki

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I think I'll send some assorted Chocolates to Zangoose


Edited by Seviper

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. . . . . . . .. . NO PETS?!


(Whut?! No Seviper! I thought you and him were like mortal enemies or something?!)

Edited by Inuki

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Why make enemies?

I'm sane now, I don't need to do that anymore


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Ooh I came just in time. Geez, I leave you guys alone for some days and you're almost at 450 D:


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*hugs Inuki*

Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just scared if you'd turn evil it'd turn me evil too. Like how I affected you last time...

Though, if I'd gone evil then I wouldn't have held back pets until you were good.... I'd have petted you for doing bad stuff....


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Yay! And... my brain hurts on what you just said... And don't worry! It seemed that when Cheery posted and we started all over again, I turned good again. Go figure.


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Lol, sorry. I do that a lot!


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Yeah... and

10 is listening to the sound of crickets.

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