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Woofie woof woofish wooooofiloooo!


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I just cursed joyfully in Woof Language. :D


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Even your curses are cute then! :P


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And they will never know I just insulted them with the Woof Language!


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And only I know the meaning! Mwahahaha!


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Hmm, I don't like you showing evil traits like this Inuki... it's... scary...


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Mwahahah! But Skye! It feels so good to be evil! You know what? I feel like blowing parts of China off with the wind! *laughs evilly*


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I wish I know.

No Inuki! Please don't be evil. It might feedback ad start making me act evil!


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And then I'll start acting Sane!

And nobody wants that!


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What's wrong? Is sanity taking over?


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I... I don't know how to cure sanity!


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It's not only ruining me but probably all of reality!


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Quick, bash your head off a rock!


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It doesn't matter insanity is no longer apart of me, I am Sane and normal now


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Mwahahaha! Oh wiiiinnndddd!


Edited by Inuki

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