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Sure, I could learn how to repair cybernetics.


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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See if you can find a way to stop others switching them off too


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I could find a way to reinforce them.


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That would be useful. Right now the people who did this to him can turn off his eyes and arms


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Eyes too!?

Okay Skye, guide us thru.


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*nods* Eyes and both arms. I'm just lucky they didn't do my legs and tails too. Though... they did say... I'd fly better with mechanical tails...


It's not that difficult a job. Just replace the burnt out wires, then use the solvent to reattach the skin.


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I think i prefer your tails as they are


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So do I Dylan.... But it was tempting...


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Simple enough. Wire and clipper. *searches on belt pocket* I got wire clippers, but not wire.


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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There might be some in the desk.


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*goes and picks them up* Got them.

*return and starts dissembling the burnt wires*

You'll feel some numbness if not already.


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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*looks at Dylan*

I'd already lost my arms and eyes. Losing my tails so I could fly better... be more useful to the NFF...

*sheds a tear an looks back at Tails*

They're already mostly numb. Don't be alarmed if my hand starts twitching as you put the new wires in


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I... See what you mean. But I'm sure your useful to them however you are


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Okay, I'll be careful. All the bad wires are off in this arm. *starts implanting the new wires*


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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*fingers twitch slightly. Giggles*

It tickles!


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