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Skye, it's already been mentioned it's not your fault. Please come out so it can be explained


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*takes a sit, trying to digest what just happened*

*travels hands over his head*

B-but how? I-I swore to protect you


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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It will all be explained Tails. Don't you worry



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Can't I just... explain from here? Dad I... I had a friend. I didn't think you or Mum would l-like here, so I didn't t-tell you about her.


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No Skye. Please come out. I know it will seem more difficult but it will be better in the end if you do come out


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B-but I don't wanna c-come out. I d-don't want p-people looking at me l-like I'm a m-monster.


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We won't look at you like you're a monster. You're still Skye to us


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Tell me more about this 'friend'.


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*peeks out from bed, get a shock seeing Dylan peeking in. Slinks back*

She... I met her when we had trouble with one of the Dark Hand groups. I... though she might have been part of them, so I didn't talk about her


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Don't be afraid Skye. Carry on

*Stops peeking*


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Well uh... last time I saw her.... she got hurt... I took her home but got jumped... and... and...


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And they fixed you with cybernetics?


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They did.... t-they thought i-it would s-stop me t-talking... t-this... this was months ago Dad.


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How do you want me to be in control myself from this Dylan!? *hears Skye last statement* A-a m-month? What kind of father am I?


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Because it will not do the situation any good if you don't


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I... it's not your fault Dad. I w-was t-trying to keep it a s-secret...


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Now that it's explained, can you come out Skye?


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That's not how I see things at this moments, trying putting yourself in my situation or Skye's.


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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So you think making a huge fuss about it is going to make things all better and just magic it all away? No. We need to be calm right now and come up with the best way to fix things


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WTF 299??? How?


Edited by Centaur Man

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