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Seems like everyone is asleep... *sigh* The vampiric spirit dog is alone once more.


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I think I'm awake.


wait, why is centaur a zombie!


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Yay! Everyone's here! :3

Oh yeah. Just a sec. *reads previous posts. Notices 'The Change' Eliza speaks of. Goes to her profile and reads*

Moments later...


No one has said something like that to me before. And yeah. I like cookies. Not too sweet, just the perfect treat for someone who is not a super fan of sugary sweets. TTwTT Thank you for that, dear sistah! Stay awesome too! T_T


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And yes, Inuki. What she says is beautiful


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Watery eyes all round I think!


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I'm so lucky to have met you guys. :'3 You're the second group of best people I've met in an online community/ :'3


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I'm curious now. Who's the other group?


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Well. It was my second forum during the peak of my 'internet addiction' years ago. It was a Digimon forum. I was a moderator there too. :3

Yeah, flash forward. Sonic ScanF is also my second forum (the other being Dragon Cave, though I'm not that active there. Ha ha.) after my almost 6 year hiatus in the online community. :3


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Wow, that is going back a bit! Welcome back to the internet I guess! :P


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lol. Thanks you two. XD I really like it here. It's not that big as the Dragon Cave Community. Gosh, I hate big communities. >w<


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Ditto. I really prefer smaller tight communities like this one.


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Well... it would be good if this one was somewhat bigger


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It's true it'll be more fun to have more people here but big, big communities are a no no in my book.


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No. Not too big. Too big will be tougher


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Exactly and there'll be a slim to no chance of interacting with everyone. @_@

(Please excuse me if I'm rather slow at replying. I'm currently using my tablet and internet's laggy. :l)


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Yeah! Plus it will be so busy I probably won't be able to keep up

(That's okay. Take all the time you need)


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Yeah, a little bigger would be nice, but not too much at all


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That's another issue. And then we will be separated into groups. :l

(Thanks for that.)


Edited by Inuki

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