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A pleasant morning yo! *raises paw up*


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Oh, good morning!


Everyone else is probably sleeping.

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Master! *wags tail*


Ah yes. I'm currently the resident vampire of the forum. xD

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I'm here Inuki.

*walks to Inuki, and pets*


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*reads previous posts and notices Eliza's post about me not being online when she is* Awww. I'm sorry, Eliza. I could stay up way past midnight if you want me to. But. My. Parents... will scold me for staying way late. I'm sorry to hear that, and please don't feel bad.

Yeah! I feel so loved. :3 Thanks Master! :D


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We need to find some way to defeat the evil timezones!


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Is it even possible? The laws of physics has definitely stated that one cannot go back in time since time flows horizontally and not the other way around.


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Ah, but you can time travel slightly


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Well, it is possible to travel into the future but you can;'t turn back time.


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yay! Then let's make the best of it! :D


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I'm fine. Still a bit stressed though. Ugh. HBU, dear? ^^


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Aww, hope it ends :(

buzy, and now I g2g

see ya!! :3


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Don't worry it will. :3 Besides, I got a new puppy, it'll help me with the stress. *huggles new puppy* Though I still haven't named her yet. Suggestions would be good. xD

Awww! But we only just met. :(

I guess it can't be helped. Good luck with your studies, sistah! Go kick academic butt! :3


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Good luck Eliza. Sorry I missed you.

Aww, and cute new puppy. Sounds nice. Hmm, names....


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She'll be back. *nods* And... Master! You're back! Woof!

Yes, suggestions would be good. :3


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Yes, I'm back. It's great you're here to greet me Inuki. *scratches behind ears*

Any kind of name you're after?


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That feels good. Woof~ :3

Hmmm. I don't want any human names (like Chloe, Ashley and such). Blech. Say, do you have native names for dogs, Skye? The puppy's small, brown, fluffy and shy. (Strange, I remember Tails. xD)


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Glad you like it. *smiles and keeps going*

We don't really have native names for dog's here. My dog's father was called Rusty, which might work!


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Man, that hit the spot. *wags tail happily*

Cool. But any girl dog names you can suggest? :3


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