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Aww. Goodnight then. Catch you later.


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(Ooc: Sorry, I thought you'll understand, as in "Shall we" then "let's" referring to finishing the game)


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(Thinks I'm just being slow!)


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Got a better suggestion?


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Hello family! :3


Edited by Inuki

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Hi Inuki. Good to see you.


But, uh, number!


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Welcome back Inuki.


I haven't seen you in a while


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Yo! *holds paw up* i feel so loved whenever someone pets me. XD

Number..... i fixed it. XD


EDIT: Hiya Tails! Been a while since we talked! :3 *hugs back*

Edited by Inuki

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We're all togther now. And if you like being petted....

*cuddles and pets Inuki*

What about being scratched behind your ears?


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*squees in childish delight*

I love being scratched behind the ears too! :3


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Okay then.

*scratch scratch scratch *


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(Oh, the irony.)

*observes, giggling a bit*


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Wha... what's s-so funny Dad?


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(I'm sorry for my late reply, I had to go and prepare breakfast and do my daily morning routines)

*stops* Yeah, what's so funny?


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I know

Someone sat on the whoopee cushion I placed

*Laughs uncontrollably*


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Whoopee cushion... but who---?


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I don't think it was that...


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