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I gots a tray full of bite size sandwiches


Edited by Seviper

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Oh, what kind of sandwiches?


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...I hope not... Well, not all of them!


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Y u no like veg

Meh, I'm sure because you haven't been to the enchanted world of Indian cuisine


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Basically, if the vegtibbible is green, I don't like it. Other's I like. There are exceptions, but that's a good rule of thumb.

But no, I haven't.


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Same, plus I've issues with green vegetables (call me lucky ;)) but you are adult D: adult supposed to like veggies

But yeah, potato is veg, so is onion, so is tomato. There is a wide range of things you can make with em, and milk! It's a gem.

Try it sometime, though it's spicy!


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Ah, but I'm a very immature adult! If you couldn't guess by me even being here!

Hmm, I might try it, though I'm not overly fond of very spicy food.


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XD all adults are just kids with money :P mature ones just act

Aww :( but I'm sure you'll like it, Bengali cuisine has some real good sweets variety!


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Yeah. That's why they're so grumpy all the time.

Sweets you say? Hmm, no if only I could cook! :P


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Now that an adult agrees, it's official :P

It's impossible to make Bengali sweets perfect unless done by a professional- trust me, I can make any kind of sweet, excite Bengali...


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Oh Darn and blast! No professionals around here. Oh ho hum!


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but I sill can't talk back to MY parents :(

I know a relative who can make those, but last time I went to his house...it wasn't so good...


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That's not fair.

And that's a shame.


(p.s. might want to fix that number!)

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Yep... Well, not my mistake you kept sweets in front of an addict

I'll do it when I get PC


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So, a lot of sweets ended up disappearing?


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