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You meesed a numbah agayn

And you have something against snowmen


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I did not


Maybe I do :/

I don't like their carrot noses


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Yaes you dida! You just change-eda eet!

Carrots are lies. They don't make you see in the dark


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I know, but they don't make you see in the dark. I still get told that


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I think the vitimes in them do something with the eye's, but I could be wrong.


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They do. But it's not seeing in the dark


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Okay then. Been a while. I used to know. Obviously I'm getting old and forgetting stuff.


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How would you know young whippersnapper?

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Well... I want to argue that, but you forgot to put in the number


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Indeed he did. ...You know what that means!? Skye just stepped on a mine, and blew you all to kingdom come. ^_^


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*hangs head in shame*

I'll let myself out.



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Don't go Skye! We still have to see who one up's our self-deprecation the most! D:


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I would win but the point is Skye, don't go!


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