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Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

25524 posts in this topic

Yeah! Time for my usual thanking people (and giving Cheery the list of those who beat him)


Skye Prower


Centaur Man


The Chosen One (Alegatius)

Locke (lost soul)

Hmm... Less people than usual

Thank you everyone!

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Good Jobedes. I knew you guys could do it. Unfortunately for you though, it's 250 again. Hey, let's see if you can reach it this time.

Note to future self: 56x staff wins = -50.


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Edit: Wait a mo. Cheery! You forgot about me!

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(ooc: YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE ME! But I was actually thinking you'll write this XD WORD TO WORD! WOOT! IMA GOT TELEPATHY!)

10 wants cocaine

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Thirteen says that doesn't rhyme

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15 now

I should stop swapping between words and numbers

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