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98 comes out of nowhere with a hose and squirts everyone with it

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97 comes in asking why miss him.

Then she sees the dilemma and runs away, too bad 99 pushed her in the water's way.

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Luckily 100 came in to save the day

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103 - Do you know the film 101 dalmatiner? dalmatinan in engl. sorry

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104 Hey, I was watching that yesterday!Oh and yeah, I'm back for a little while

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107 - which one? Realistic or cartoon (I've seen both and realistic is better)

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108 -i like both but I am a huge Fan of all cartoonmovies

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Eliza seems to have taken us back a few numbers

I think it's mostly what happens to the villains as they're chasing the puppies that makes me prefer the realistic. Cruella De Vil at the farm. Plenty of lols when I saw it

Anyway, 108 decides the party needs more entertainment

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Puppies are cute :D

110 calls for a pizza party

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112 calls a pizza delivery service anyway

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113 - Puppie party? Overcuteness over 9000!

Edited by Centaur Man

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116 agrees and orders his pizza

(Antoine is a coyote)

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118 - sorry to disappoint you. But we can still have Muttski

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