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(Banned because it's okay! Easy mistake to make ;P )

*Looks down* Oh! *Gets up, staring a little*

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Banned because *climbs down on walls* Treeckos are good at climbing anything!

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Banned because: I see light over there!

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Banned because *blinks seeing Chespin then turns* Wherewherewhere?

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Banned because: I see a Keckleon and he looks like he has some kind of shop?

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Banned Because: Shop? *jumps down* WHEEEE!  I WANNA GO SHOPPING!

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Banned because wait for me! *digs way down but falls through a hole with a treasure chest getting trapped under the chest* HELP!

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Banned because I'm gone for one second and I find you all in a cave? Oh, let me move the chest for you.

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Banned because I'll help too! *starts pulling chest*

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Banned because: What's in the chest?  What's in the chest?

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Banned because *tries to peek in while pulling it off Zelian*

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Banned because: What happened to you guys? Your pictures have changed.

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Banned because I don't know! I just went to explore this hole and then suddenly I felt different and then Skye said I was different and I found I was different and I look like this!

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Banned because: Oh my god o_o that's cool. 

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Banned because its strange though! Everything looks strange but I'll figure out how to change back so I'll be fine!

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Banned because No!  Don't change back!  You're more fun like this!  And c'mon Shinomi!  Change too!

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Banned because hey! You weren't supposed to hear!

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Banned because: *giggles* I was standing right here.

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Banned because you should've not listened!

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Banned because I didn;t know I wasn't supposed to listen!

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