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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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"Let's just go. You don't have to come back in your timeline just yet , right ?

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*asks Fluffy quietly*

Does that s-sound alright? Once y-you see w-what things are like o-outside, you can m-make a choice then.

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Fluffy looked down as she walked, thinking about what may happen.

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*tries to think of something comforting to say and fails*

How do we get out?

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We need to gather our power and concentrate it in a single warp ring. The overload will help opening a portal that'll get us out of here.

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I w-wasn't sure what to expect.

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Especially considering what Shadow said about here

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"We are from different times... So?" Fluffy said, not sure what to say.

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Well, it does put a q-question mark on where and when we'll turn u-up.

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*glomps and kisses Fluffy*

That's that!

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"Oh....Kay... Blur, you were here the entire time?"

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That was... surprising. I guess he likes you

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*whispers to self*

I guess that's one way of keeping her distracted from being upset

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I, uh, j-just thought it was a n-nice thing for him to do.

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He d-did hug... Just k-kissed as well...

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