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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Fluffy: *turns to skye* does our kid looks like a joke to him? And he hasn't ended it yet, he didn't even give an opinion on it.

*cries and runs into the kitchen, crying*

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*glares at Locke*

I thought parents were supposed to care about their children.

*runs after Fluffy*

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*egg hatches*

A woodpecker?

*starts to peck head*

My head is not a tree that contains insects, its a skull that contains my brain!

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Listen , Something , up there is controlling our lives . Not just as an illusion , but in reality . Everything happennig is real , skye . Even your child , who look adorable by the way.

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*calls back to Locke*

Then tell Fluffy that. She needs to hear you say that.

*reaches Fluffy. Places hand on shoulder*

(ooc: Hmm, this breach in the fourth wall is becoming worrisome. It better not get any worse, or I may abort)

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Ruby: *sad* don't...cry...

Fluffy: what else can I... *looks at skye, then Locke.* you mean to say me, ruby is real, but we are in control of summoning?

(Ooc: huh?)

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You mean...

Quit pecking my skull you bothersome bird brain!

(Ooc: things are getting weird.)

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I... don't know what he's saying Fluffy. I really don't.

(ooc: The 'gods' Locke is taking about are us, i.e. the writers. Therefore, the fourth wall is being damaged. And if this leads to some kinda quest to discover who these 'gods' are.... I'm leaving.)

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Fluffy: *pulls woodpecker* a rat, a snake, a woodpecker...

Let's open a zoo

That's strange, we all know there is a god, we all know that stuff.


ruby: Real!

Fluffy: *dances with ruby*

(Ooc: oh, that's kinda stupid)

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Annoying pests.

(Ooc: It better not turn into that.)

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*sits back happily watching Fluffy and Ruby dancing. Looks confused at the woodpecker.*

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Excuse me while prepare my levitation exlir.

*begins the elixer*

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I'm confused too!

And yes, that's uncle Seviper. Care to volunteer for babysitting duties?

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Let's just enjoy the moment and not think about it too hard. We have a child to take care of.

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You want a baby sitter.

Usually that means you got plans no?

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Fluffy: *looks at skye* we have plans?

*to locke* so... You have no problem I had a kid with skye, through summoning..?

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I-I was j-just a-asking f-for... uh... t-to know in a-advance... But w-we could p-plan something..... i-if you wanted.

*looks between Ruby and Locke*

I think he w-would have said by now i-if he h-had a p-problem

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Its done, my levitation elixer is completed.

*drinks and begins to float away*

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

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Oh dear.

*grabs rope*


*throw's rope to Seviper*

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