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Free play mania 1.0

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*walks along hallway and bumps into Rouge*

Rouge: You're finally back handsome, we were getting worried.

Shadow: Rouge, it's good to see you, I'm on my way to-

Rouge: No you're not, you're coming with me to see Omega and we're doing this mission together. We're a team.

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Rosemary: That's a nice name, isn't it Amadeus?

Amadeus: A fine name, fit for his double tails, just like his 'older brother'.

Tails: Come. I'll should you my room so you can leave your stuff.

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Skye: *smiles* Thanks Gra... *laughs nervously and grabs tail* I guess its thanks Mom and Dad while I'm here. *turns to Tails* Sure thing. This is a really nice place you have. *follows*

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SJ: Do you think their hunters here?

Seviper: We are in a advanced world and time, I'm pretty sure hunters are outsourced

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(Ooc: Who will like to control Nicole?)

*enters room*

Tails: You can put your stuff on that desk, I'll ask Nicole to install another bed. Nicole?

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(ooc: I don't mind. I can do her if you want?)

Skye: *enters room. Looks around.* A nice room. *realising something with surprise as he puts bag on the desk* So we're... gonna share a room?

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(Ooc: go for it)

Tails: Why not? I used to sleep in the same room as Sonic before my parents came from Argentum...hmm, I didn't even ask you if you wanted a room for yourself, I'm sorry...So do you want a room for yourself or stay here?

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*enters room to find Omega waiting*

Shadow: Good to see you again Omega.

Omega: Indeed. This is a joyous occassion, let us celebrate with fire.

*Rouge rolls her eyes*

Shadow: That's the idea, you're going to distract a Grandmaster's forces with Rouge so I can take him out.

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Skye: I normally have a room for myself at home, but I do share with Melody when we're on vacation. I don't really mind, it was just unexpected.

Nicole: *suddenly appears, causing Skye to jump* Hello Tails. How can I help? I did detect some strange energy emissions from your house, and was going to ask... *notices Skye. Looks a little surprised.* Hello there. You look... surprising similar to Tails.

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Tails: Hi Nicole. The energy signal you felt was a transportation portal from the Bem. They finally send Skye home. He's my younger brother...

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Nicole: *surprised* You're younger brother?

Skye: *grabbing and twisting tail in hands* H-hi Nicole. N-nice to m-meet you.

Nicole: *smiles* And you too Skye. *turns to Tails* You never mentioned having a brother before.

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Tails: That's because I was too busy with the FF mission, and my parents just told me recently, they said the Bem were trying to revert a condition my brother has.

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Nicole: A condition?

Skye: *gulps* I... uh... Because I was b-born on a-another planet, I need this d-device to survive here. *Holds the Time Band* And there were... a few other... side-effects.

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Tails: It's a uncontrollable condition for now, he still need to learn how to control it, let's just say it's dependent on his character. Hmm, anymore question you might have, Nicole?

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Nicole: I presume I was called to expand your living quarters for your younger brother? Also, do you with me to inform your friends?

Skye: *looks even more nervous at that idea*

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*thinks, holding on hand on chin*

Tails: Yup, I will appreciate it if you could install another bed here in my room, and informing them would make it easier, since explaining this over and over to each on of them would take a long time.

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Nicole: I'll pass on the message. I'll also make the room slightly larger, now there is two of you in here. *raises arms and room begins to shift and extend*

Skye: Wow. This is... a-amazing!

Nicole *smiles* Thank you Skye.

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Tails: You're in for many surprises, Skye. *turns to Nicole* Thanks, Nicole.

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Skye: I g-guess, Yeah!

Nicole: *finishes adjusting room* There we are. I will see you and Skye later Tails. *smiles and leaves*

Skye: Uh... something we better cover quicky... but er.. where are you in the fight against Eggman? Making a rough guess... is Qu... uh, Princess Sally de-robotized yet?

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(Ooc: since I made Miles explain that transportation thru Dylan's transporter felt like being robotized, then it means the crossover happened, so we just say Eggman didn't disturb Sonic's Super Chaos Control)

Tails: Yup, she was lockdown by Silver before the second genesis wave, but after Sonic fixed things, she's fine and sound, yet we don't know where Ixis Naugus nor Geoffrey St. John are. They are probably under hiding, waiting to return....

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(ooc: Sounds good)

Skye: Okay, got it... I think.... I actually remember three different times now! *goes over and touches the wall of the room* You wouldn't think it was all made of nanites. *turns back to Tails* Is there anything else we need to cover?

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(Ooc: we are going to take in consideration that the Secret FF are on service, and they are after Naugus and Geoffrey)

Tails: For now, not really.

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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(ooc: That would make sense)

Skye: Cool bro. So, uh, what do we do?

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Tails: *thinks* I'm going to show you my workshop.

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Skye: *grins* Yeah, that'll be great!

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