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Skye: *smiles* I'll try Dad.

Melody: Really? You wanna talk?

Skye: I... w-well... uh...

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Miles: Melody!

Mina: Come on, I want to hear it from both and how you came to the chocolate lake.

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Melody: *wilts slightly* Sorry Dad. Sorry Skye.

Skye: *heads to the dinner table* Well, uh... I'm not sure HOW we ended up in the pocket Zone in the first place...

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I see. As I told Tails I appreciate the help. But I still have a job to do and a war to win.

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Rotor: I send signal to GUN, they should be waiting for you, especially your team.


Miles: It all right, Melody. It's all the sudden change in Skye isn't it, for us it was felt like weeks, probably months, since we were taken, but it has only been half an hour for you, and now with the knowledge of the 'fanatics' and their experiment it is no wonder for one to be worried.

Mina: Dinner is ready!

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Melody: *whispers to Miles* So he really has... come out of his shell somewhat? Do you think that'll keep happening. He's not going to hide away again?

Skye: *sitting at the table* I have missed our family dinners.

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*nods and Chaos Controls to base for a briefing* Well let's see who I get to go after first.

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Miles: *whispering* It seems he has just started, and I have my younger self to thank. That' stone reason why I'm letting him spend time with him, it's for the better. Now come. Time to eat.

Mina: Chicken Alfredo with vegetables. I should thank the cooking book.

*starts serving*


Rotor: Tell them I say hi.

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Melody: I hope it works... for the both of you! *head to table*

Skye: Mmm, smells good. Well, uh, if you want to know what happened... *starts telling the story over dinner*

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*walks into Commander's office, leaving a few minutes later* A giant snake by the name of Hood. Eggman has some strange subordinates.

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Miles: I hope so too. *follows towards the table and sits, hearing the part of Skye's story*

Mina: So you just appeared in that place without any notice?

Miles: Everyone in there did. When I was 'summon' I found Skye in a room were some people were doing something I don't want to reveal since it was a misunderstanding. Afterwards, without us still knowing we were in the zone, we transported to a place similar to Portal City in what seemed to be Downunda, there I lost Skye and appeared in my workshop, were after some hours Skye came and told me Tails was outside and that I had been missing for days....

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Skye: Yeah, time was all mess-up in there, And I... uh... met someone else there... two people actually *starts turning slightly pink*

(ooc: Do we really wanna do a whole recap? I think it would just bog everything down)

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(Ooc: Ditto, las thing before you leave)

*the story continues, all that happened was recounted, even the revealing of Shadow's future and the travel into the future)

Mina: That seems like you spend months in there.

Miles: It actually felt like it...

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Skye: *now back to normal colour* I think I was there for longer than Dad too. I... I'm sorry I'm leaving so soon after this, but it has only been a short while for you, so...

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Mina: Don't worry, from what you told us, it seems like Tails and you seem to go along just like brother.

Miles: And he help you with flying lessons too, so it will be better for you to go, and no 'fanatics' will be there.


Tails: There should be a portal opening so here in he living room, and he should appear soon.

Amadeus: This is going to be strange.

Rosemary: How so?

Amadeus: We're going to meet our grandson before he's born.

Tails: Hehe, I experienced the same, and twice.

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Skye: *smiles* Yeah. I'm sure I'll have a great time. But I'll miss you. *hugs the rest of his family*

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Mina: Take care and don't sleep late!

Miles: See you son bro.

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Skye: *smiles* I won't Mom. And thanks... bro.

Melody: Have fun Skye, and... and... *runs over and hugs him, almost blowing him over* I'll miss you. Stay safe.

Skye: I'll miss you too Melody. But I'm sure I'll be fine.

Melody: *smiles and breaks off the hug.*

Skye:*grabs bag. Takes deep breath and activates portal. Grabs tail with nerves, but is grinning.* Bye everyone. *steps though.*

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*the portal opens behind Tails*

Tails: *shocked* Ahh. *jumps a step and turn towards the portal* *laughs a bit embarrassed* Well he should be stepping in soon.

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Skye: *steps out of portal. Sees Tails and smiles* Hi Tails. *Looks around and sees Rosemary and Amadeus* H...........Wow!

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Tails: Hey, bro! You made it!

*The both observe Skye and then turn to Tails*

Amadeus: Both of you do look very alike, the plan should work.

Rosemary: Hello, hmm...

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Skye: *grins and hold up hand for a hi five* Yeah, I did bro! *turns back to Rosemary and Amadeus.* H-hello... uh, sorry... It's just a little odd seeing you... younger... *grabs a tail a little embarrassed*

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Tails: *gives high five* Don't worry, I felt odd when I saw myself older, then you and Fluffy in the future, future.

Amadeus: *laughs lightly* Don't worry my boy, you'll soon get us to seeing us this 'young'.

Rosemary: How nice of him to call us young, so what's your name?

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Skye: *To Tails* Yeah, the future future was odd for me too!. *To Rosemary* Huh? But... *laughs* Oh, of course. My name is Skye.

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Seviper: This place is nice

SJ: Yeah, not like the simple town we live in

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