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Skye: *wipes tears away* I-I'm g-gonna be going o-on a l-little v-vacation Mom

Melody: I was in worse danger with Tikaos... if that ever happened anymore. I wanna help my brother Dad.

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Miles: I know you did, but that was in a different time shift, yet we don't know who this 'fanatics' are or how to deal with them, unlike Tikhaos who we know how to defeat. I'll have to think about it first, Melody. Maybe I will need backup on this mission, but we must go undetected. Just let me think about it some more. Okay?

Mina: You are? And I suspect it is with your dad?


Tails: I thought both of you were at work.

Rosemary: The council session finished earlier today and your dad left Antoine on charge for today.

Amadeus: Did you did good on your mission?

Tails: Yup, and I meet with my older self, and my son, and my son in the future of his future, and my son's girlfriend that later became his wife, and some people from different dimensions, and....

Rosemary: You meet so many people in just some minutes. Wow. How' stat possible?

Tails: Well the Pocket Zone has a different flow of time, so more time passes over there in comparison to here.

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Melody: Okay, but don't take too long!

Skye:*manages to smile* Yes and no...

(ooc; crazy list of people he's met...)

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Mina: What do you mean?

Miles: Of course Melody, but don't be impatient either.


Amadeus: So we will be grandparents Rosemary.

Tails: And also great-grandparents. I also met with my future granddaughter in this mission.

Rosemary: How did you manage to process all of this Tails?

Tails: I just took it a step at a time, plus I'm a Freedom Fighter. Hmm, speaking of being grandparents, how would you like to meet my son?

Both: What?

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Skye: Well, uh... when I met Dad's younger self... the two of us got along really well. And I want to go and visit him.

Melody: I'll try. Though if Skye is going away I suppose there's nothing we can do till he gets back.

(ooc: I can't wait to see the Prower's reaction when Tails tells them the rest of the plan! :P )

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Mina: And with whose permission?

Miles: I gave him permission.

Mina: But honey...

Miles: He will be fine, and I think it will do him more good as you all have noticed how he seems to be more open, plus I don't think the 'fanatics' will be able to experiment on him there with his older brother.

Mina: Okay, maybe you're right. *turns to Skye* So how are you going to go undetected there, does your 'brother' and you have a plan?


Tails: Let's just say I...I invited him to come an visit and spend some time with me...

Rosemary: But Tails you know it could be dangerous.

Tails: I know, but we became 'brothers' and we have so much in common, plus I always wanted a younger brother and spend time with him...

Amadeus: And how are you going to do this?

Tails: I have a plan, and I'll need both of you to help me...

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Seviper: I'm gonna look

SJ: I'll go with you, need to make sure you stay out of trouble

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Rotor: Just be careful with the royal guards, they don't know who both of you are. In case you get caught by them, just tell them you came with Tails on a mission...

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Skye: *nods* Tails is gonna talk to grandma and grandpa about getting a cover story... Or is it has talked given it's the past. Er, well, anyway, once he's done that, he'll send a signal on this transportation band *taps band* then I can use it to travel to him.

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*pulls out communicator to contact GUN* It's Shadow. Yes I'm fine now, I'm ready to proceed with my orders, I have selected enemy HVTs to eliminate, uploading the list now, do I have permission? Excellent. I'll contact you after the first target is verified.

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Seviper: Right-o, we will tell the guards were with you

SJ: And ask them not to put us in a zoo

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*Mina observes the two bands on Skye's arm*

Mina: That sounds like a plan. What happened to your time-band. It looks different.

Miles: I made some modification for security purpose since the old one are fragil.


Rotor: Do you mean jail.


Tails: My little brother and I came with an idea. When he comes here we will pretend to be brothers and I need you to go along with the plan. If people start wondering, let's just say he was held by the Bem because they were trying to help his medical condition.

Amadeus: But Tails, Argentum was destroyed recently.

Rosemary: And it will be a lie, Tails.

Tails: I know, I know, but I just need this favor once, and as for Argentum been destroyed. That will be the reason why the Bem send him with us. Also, if people wonder of his condition, well my brother actually does have a condition that will make people believe us.

Rosemary: And what that 'condition'?

Tails: He can change fur color in dependence to his mood.

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I'm not a police officer, and if I put them in jail they'll just get broken out again amd the cycle repeats.

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Skye: I'm sure Dad will fix you and Melody with the new ones to.

Melody: Fragile? You mean... all that time we were fighting....

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Miles: Yeah, and we all know, or knew should I say, what happened to Lien-da.

Mina: Right. We always need to take precautions and since Skye is leaving, it will no longer be a worry to have.


Rotor: Maybe, but Nicole will find a way to contain them.


Amadeus: How so?

Tails: From what I was able to hear from a conversation he had with my older self, there are some 'fanatics' experimenting on him, but is seems my older self has a plan for reverting the experiment.

Rosemary: That's good, let's just hope everything turns right.

Tails: Hmm, so will you...?

*Rosemary and Amadeus looks at each other*

Rosemary: What do you think, Amadeus?

Amadeus: It seems as a plan that could work, and I trust Tails.

*Tails runs to hug them*

Tails: Thanks dad and mom.

Rosemary: So I guess that's a yes.

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Melody: *gulps* Yeah, I think we should get those new ones.

Skye: I.. I better get packed for my visit.

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Miles: While you're gone I'll be working on building the new bands, and don't forget your utility belt and goggles.

Mina: Maybe you should eat before leaving...


Tails: Let me just go to my room and clean it a bit, then I'll give a signal to him.

Both: Sure.

*Tails goes to his room*

Tails: Maybe I'll tell Nicole to install a second bed in here, but I should clean this mess. I really haven't have time with all this fighting against Eggman...

*starts cleaning*

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Skye: I won't Dad... and yeah, I am a little hungry. I didn't have that much chocolate.

Melody: Chocolate?

Skye: Yeah. I swum in a chocolate lake.

Melody: *clearly jealous* You? Did? What??

(ooc: I've just thought, Tails and Skye would probibly need to tell Sonic the true as well, given he's been to Ag-thingy twice and there was no sign or mention of Skye, so he'd know something was up.

Also, this will lead to a very awkward conversion in the future between Miles and Mina. "Hey, remember my little brother? Well, uh, funny story...")

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(Ooc: should we consider Mina to be in New Mobotropolis or in another music tour, as for Sonic we could tell him the truth or say that Skye was in the Bem's labs, what ya think)

Miles: Hmm, I'll tell the whole story at dinner.

Mina: Yeah, you left me in a cliffhanger a while ago...


Tails: That's that, I should send signal to Skye.

*runs to his computer and connects the watch to it*

Tails: Eggman won't be able to decipher this message signal. *types*

*signal is sent*

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(ooc: I'd say have Mina in the city cause it'll be more awkward! ;) As for Sonic, he is smart enough to figure that the story is wrong. 'C'mon, you didn't even ask me to tell Tails he had a lil bro?' So even if they did try to lie, I think they'd have to tell him the truth in the end.)

Skye: *has started packing. Notices the signal. Grins widely* DAD! I got the signal

Melody: This still seems a little crazy to me.

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(Ooc: I like the idea)

Miles: Okay! I heard ya.

Mina: I'll pack something for you to eat.


*Tails goes to the living room*

Tails: Mom! Dad! He should be underway.

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Skye: I-I could stay for dinner if you wanted. It's time travel, so I'll probibly arrive around the same time.

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Rotor: GUN required our help, so we gave them help, plus we are allies, and I don't know what agreement the crown made with them. All I know is that they lost signal with you during a mission and they track you down to the Pocket Zone, this happened some weeks ago, it appears the ratio of time here and there is more different than other zones and time periods.


Miles: That will be good, maybe you can help me with the adventure telling.

Mina: Okay, I'll prepare dinner.

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