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Skye: Only half an hour? It felt like months to me!

Melody: *walks into room*

Skye: *sees Melody, smiles runs over and hugs her* I missed you too Melody.

Melody: *looks surprised* You... but... Skye... er, what's WRONG with you. You're all... happy and loud.

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*appears into Rotor's lab*

Tails: *takes a deep breath and let's it go* There's nothing like home. Rotor are you here, I'm back.

Rotor: I'm right here Tails.


Mina: Months? Skye you're worrying me, what happened?

Miles: Hmm. How do I explain this. We were taken into a special zone were time passes much slower, my younger self helps us out, that's all...right Skye? *winks one eye at him*

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Skye: *grins* Yep, that's right Dad.

Melody: *looks oddly at Skye* That's, uh, some story.

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*whispers to Skye*

Miles: I didn't want to tell them we met people from different dimensions and times, specially of Shadow, and that we went into the future. Now that I think about it, there should have been a shift in time.

Mina: Honey, is everything alright? All of you are acting weird and hiding something from us.


Tails: How long did I left?

Rotor: 27 minutes. Did you brought Shadow with you?

Tails: Yup, he should be underway. Maybe you should send a message to GUN.

Rotor: Sure.

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Skye: Uh... can I do something before I answer that Mom. *runs to computer. Checks world history*

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Mina: Miles, care to explain?

Miles: Can I ask you a question?

Mina: What is it?

Miles: Did Shadow became king of Mobius?

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Melody: *walks over to Skye* Alright, what's with you?

Skye: Huh?

Melody: You're... acting all weird. What happened to you?

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Mina: No, Sonic has been king. Why?

Miles: Another question, did you and Melody kept the time armband when Sonic fixed time?

Mina: Yes. Miles, you're worrying me. What's wrong? Did time shifted again because my mind keeps struggling to make sense of different memories.

Mina: Something like that, but since Skye and I were close to the cause of change we remember all shifts that have happen. *hugs Mina* I'm just glad you and Melody are safe and sound.

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Seviper: Nice setup!

SJ:Everything is strange here to me

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Skye: I... w-well... I...

Melody: *gives sigh of relief* There you are.

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Seviper: The closest advanced thing we have at home is that fossil resurrect machine.

SJ: You mean the same machine that brought back that Aerodactyle to life and it tried to eat me

Seviper: I saved you didn't I

Sj: Yeah you did thanks dad

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Skye: Huh?

Melody: Sorry Skye. But seeing you bouncing around like that, it was... kinda scary.

Skye: ...Scary?

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Seviper: What's there to do around here?

SJ: Not getting into trouble is a start

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Melody: I didn't mean it like that. But its just so different. What happened?

Skye: well, uh... I'm not sure I should say.

Melody: aww. C'mon Skye. I can keep a secret.

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Rotor: GUN has received the message, they should be expecting you to report on your mission.

*observes Seviper and his son*

Rotor: Hmm, Tails. Care to introduce our visitors?

Tails: Oh, right. Well this is Seviper and his son, Seviper Junior, they we also in the Pocket Zone. I invited them to stay in Mobius for a while. They are from a different dimension. Right?


Mina: So you said your younger self help you out. How so?

Miles: Hmm, he just made a way out that all.

Mina: Miles, I'm your wife and I know when you are hiding something.

Miles: Yeah, you know me very well. I'll tell you what happen.

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Skye: *grabs tail* Well, uh... I k-kinda... I'm gonna visit Dad in the past and p-pretend to b-be his brother.

Melody: *looks incredulous* You... You're gonna what? Given how mess up time is with us anyway?

Skye: It's only for a w-week or so! I... I do want a brother Melody.

Melody: *sighs* even still, I can't see that alone making you this...

Skye: *blushes* I, uh... h-have a girlfriend too.

Melody: *blinks in surprises* You? A girlfriend.

Skye: *blushes more* Y-yeah. *starts turning red*

Melody: *backs of scared* *shouts* DAD! MOM! SOMETHING's WRONG WITH SKYE!!!

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Miles: In this zone there is an entity known as the Summoning, which summons anyone it wants dorm different times and dimension, so *hears Melody screaming*

*both run to Skye's room*

Mina: What's wrong sweetie? *notices Skye* Skye!?

Miles: We can explain, just don't panick.

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Melody: *backs off towards Miles and Mina*

Skye: *hides behind tails* I... I'm s-sorry.. I-I c-can't c-control it y-yet... *sobs slightly*

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*Mina walks toward Skye and hugs him*

Mina: Miles what happened in that zone? What happened to my Skye?

Miles: this actually didn't happened in the Pocket Zone, but rather here at home. In the zone Skye told me that some 'fanatics' started experimenting on him every time he went to sleep, and he only found out recently after noticing his sudden color changes and pretending to be asleep during the experiment. These fanatics seem to work in a zone I still don't have access to where time seems to be non-existent, and they have implanted chameleon DNA on Skye, thus he changes color in reaction to his feelings.

Mina: *hugs Skye a bit harder* My poor baby, everything will be alright. *turns to Miles* Right?

Miles: I have a plan.

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Skye: *hugs Mina tightly back, still sobbing*

Melody: But... why would... anyone DO such a thing?

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Miles: That's what I'm going to find out, and how they were able to bypass the Chaotix and the Guardian.

Mina: How? What your plan?

Miles: I'll have to go with Skye during the 'fanatics' experimenting and hack into their research to have a knowledge on how to start reversing the process. For now where just waiting on my younger self's signal.


Tails: Rotor, can you keep an eye on our visitors, I have to talk with my mom and dad.

Rotor: Go ahead, since I quit the council, I have plenty of time.

Tails: Thanks.

*runs towards his house*

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Melody: I wanna help too! I can come with you and help.

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Miles: I don't want to put anyone in danger, Melody, and Skye will be off danger for a while with Tails.

Mina: Tails? What do you mean with Tails?


*gets home*

Tails: MOM, DAD I'm home. *remembers* *in thought* Wait, mom should be with the council and dad should be in the academy. *starts heading for the door*

Rosemary: Tails?

Amadeus: Son? What's wrong?

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