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Free play mania 1.0

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*Waves nervously and steps through the portal*

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Younger Skye: So... now we open the portal to my time. Oh, and Hi Summoning

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Seviper: Not this place again.

*Seviper has flashbacks of all the antics that caused him pain*

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*Whispers* Yeah, I don't like it either

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Seviper I thought the main reason we came to space was to get away from this horrid place

SJ: It doesn't seem that bad

Seviper: Trust me it is

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Younger Skye: Don't worry. We're just passing through. 'cept for Tails and me

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Tails: Don't worry, it will just be a brief time while I settle a plan with my parents and take Miles and Skye to their home time, but how do we do this, I can only open a portal at a time.

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Younger Skye: Oh, is that what we're doing. Okay, uh... Dad and I go home to our time, then everyone goes home to there time. Then once you've got everything sorted Tails, you can come back and pick me up!

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Tails: Wait, I almost forgot, silly me.Your portal-band was modified to create a portal of itself, that the reason why we changed the electrical receptors, and since I inputed the coordinated of my house into its coding, there should be a time-portal link between my time period and yours.

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So we don't need to come via this Zone? You can just signal me when your ready?

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Tails: Nope, but everyone has the link to this place although it seems some don't like this place much. I'll send you a signal, I just hope Eggman doesn't intercept it. You will hear a bip from the band, and by pressing this button *signals* on the right you will open a portal to my place.

Miles: That sounds more safer than Your big brother picking you up at home.

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We spend ages trying to get out of that prison and now we willingly return to our captor. *reluctanctly walks through portal*

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Yeah. A LOT safer. And don't worry Shadow. This is just the last step before you get home. I think everyone should head home now actually! Before anything else crazy happens!

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Tails: Ditto. Let me open the portal to your time *opens portal* I'll send you the signal, and wait in the place where I send the coordinates.

Miles: Okay son. Let's head home.

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Sure thing Dad. *turns to tails* See you soon bro! *Holds up hand for Hi Five*

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*gives high five*

Tails: Of course, take care and don't forget to bring your belt with you.

Miles: I'll too give some things for Skye to take. Well take care Tails, you have a future that awaits you. *walks into the portal*

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I won't. See you soon bro!

*jumps through portal*

*Shouts* MOM? MELODY? Dad and I are home!

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Tails: Okay Dylan and Shadow time to go home, and Seviper, you can come with us.


Miles: Let's just hope we didn't left for too much time...

*a sound is heard from the living room*

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Time didn't really pass in the Pocket Zone, so we should be back soon after we left.


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(Ooc: Maybe you should play Melody)

Miles: I think your mom is coming.

Mina: Why all the screaming Skye, is something wrong?

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(ooc: Sure thing)

Skye: *runs to hug Mina* Hi Mom! I've missed you.

Melody: *sticks head out door* Is that Skye shouting? I don't think I've ever heard his voice that loud before!

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Tails: In New Mobotropolis of course. From there I'm sure you can use Chaos Control to go to GUN. I'll open the portal for us. Every other portal should be closed with each new open. *opens portal and walks through*


Mina: I missed you too, but you only left for half an hour. *gives a glance to Miles* Is there something I should know?

Miles: It's a long story, but let's just say it was an adventure.

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Um... Okay

*Follows Tails in nervously*

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