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Free play mania 1.0

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Younger Skye: My tails were stuck spinning. He shocked me to stop them.

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Tails: I had to think fast, or Skye could get injured.


Miles: Interesting. Do you have a finish product or a prototype?

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Younger Skye: *blinks, then shuffles feet embarrassed* Y-yeah... I'd a-almost forgotten y-you're also my D-dad...


Older Skye: There the finished product. And I think I have some spares in the safe.

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Younger Skye: *looks down at feet and shuffles them* U-uh... w-well....

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Younger Skye: It's j-just... D-dad... he was too m-much.... or a hero to b-be a friend.

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Younger Fluffy: he always will be a hero, and a friend, skye.

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Younger Skye: *smiles* He is a f-friend, but not a-a... f-friend-friend. *looks sad* I don't really h-have any f-friends. Aside f-from you Fluffy.

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Younger Fluffy: a relative friend, who'll always be with y-... *hugs* I'm sorry, Skye,

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Younger Skye: *smiles* It's n-not your fault F-fluffy. And it's different n-now.

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Tails: Skye. Being a hero doesn't mean I can't be your friend, I consider you a true, close friend, not because your my future son, but because I've enjoy spending time having fun with you and Fluffy.

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Younger Skye; *looks at Tails and smiles* I'm... e-enjoying spending time with you too. B-but it's just y-you... I felt I... c-couldn't measure up to you... *looks down at feet again. whispers* T-that's what a-all the o-other k-kids say...

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Tails: Who cares what everyone thinks, don't let them limit you, nor bring you down. I got enough of that by been called a freak because of my double tails, but I grew out of it, I ignored that little voice in one's head that keeps saying that I'm not good enough. I decide what I want to be. It up to you to decide if those kids will keep influencing your self-esteem.

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Younger Skye: B-but I... I'm n-not as g-good as y-you... I c-can't fly like y-you, I'm n-not as s-smart. M-my sister's talented. I'm... not.

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SJ: You know it's getting harder to tell the other kids that you're my father

Seviper: Their just jealous that you got a cool dad

Sj: Can't argue with that

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Younger Fluffy: skye, you're young right now, look at your older self- that's the perfect motivation. You aren't born good, you be good *smiles* though for me, you're already good! It'll change, you'll do the change...right?


Older Fluffy: trust me, Seviper junior, you'll never get a funnier dad!

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Younger Skye: *tries to smile* o-okay... I'll... I-I'll t-try Fluffy.

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SJ: I bet your dad didn't embarrass you at parent teacher night by arriving with a plunger on his head

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Younger Fluffy: *smiles* this is why I love you.


Older Fluffy: embarrass? Oh no! At this stage it wouldn't matter, it'd be funny *laughs uncontrollably* but still, seivper!

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Younger Skye: *smiles* B-because I'm s-such a wreck?

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Younger Fluffy: *laughs* no, clumsy, because you're so sweet!

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Younger Skye: *blushes and turns slightly red* So are y-you Fluffy.

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