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Free play mania 1.0

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Younger Skye: *manages weak smile.* I-I'll t-try


Older Skye: Might be an idea. If you want to risk another paradox, I do have the plans for the reinforced design!

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Seviper: Fine. You win!

SJ: Whose the immature one?

Seviper I am....

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Tails: Maybe I should show you how I take a flight.


Miles: I'll like to see those designs, and maybe I can come up with its components and nanotechnology.

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Younger Skye: Yeah. I'd like to see.


Older Skye; Sure thing. They're in my study.

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Tails: I'll do it much slower so you can see it. Oh, one more thing, maybe I'll try to fly like you to see what the problem might be.

*Tails starts rotating his tails at a slow rate*

Tails: As you can see, you got the rotation of the tails right, but on take off, there the problem.


Miles: Very well, let's go and discuss this matter.

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*Seviper teaches SJ poison tail"

SJ: That's it? How old tech

Seviper: Hey! It's a technique passed down by Seviper generations starting with you're great-great-great-great-great....

SJ: It's very old

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Younger Skye: Yeah, it looks the same.


Older Skye: Follow me. *heads into study*

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Tails: You have seen your father fly like a million times already, I think, so I'm gonna try to fly like you. Any piece of advice?


*Miles follows Skye*

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Younger Skye: *goes quiet for a second while thinking* Just... let your body be twisted... Oh, and land quickly. If you're not used to it, you'll get really dizzy. But I think you've done spiny things before.


Older Skye: *enters study* Makes yourself comfortable. Now, where are those blueprints? *sits at computer, pushes another picture face down on desk.*

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Tails: let my body loose. Let's see... *starts spinning his body, but continues to rotate tails, falling to the ground* Ufff. *stands up a bit dizzy* it's a good thing I wasn't too high of the ground.


*Miles sits on the sofa, and see Skye's sudden move to place a picture face down*

Miles: I believe you're placing them down for a good reason, I just hope it only has to do with time continuity.

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Younger Skye: *hurried over to help Tails up* Are you okay? Hmm... maybe you could try... holding your tails still WHILE trying to turn them. I know it sounds silly but....


Older Skye: U-uh.... what o-other reason would there be?

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Tails: Cool. Then let me try again. *walks some steps away from Skye* Okay, here I go. *starts flying* *to himself* Remember to stop the tails, but still try to turn them *starts rotating body, and stops tails, goes tornado for some seconds* Whoa, whoa, whoa. *falls to the ground*


Miles: Oh nothing I should worry about since I know you're doing it for our safety.

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Younger Skye: *laughs* You did it! *heads over and helps up again*


Older Skye: Yes, exactly. *thinks* Or your sanity in this case. *speaks again* Ah, here they are.

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Tails: That was fun, and I think I know the problem now....


Miles: Well let's see them.

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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SJ: Zangoose knows Crush Claw

Seviper: We have no claws

SJ: Use proper grammar dad

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Younger Skye: *giggles a bit too* Y-you do? W-what is it? C-can it be f-fixed?


Older Skye *turns monitor around* There you go, or would you prefer a printout?

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Tails: The same way you told me to try to spin my tails without actually moving them. But for you it's more complicated because your body voluntarily wants to rotate your body and it seems you have little control over it, so you will have to tornado in the air, stop completely in midair and try to spin your tails, maybe the momentum of your body will transverse to your tails, and don't worry if you fall, I'll be here to catch you.


Miles: Both, a printout to take home, and the monitor to see more closely. *Observes the monitor* Hmm, the shape of the designs will add more kinetic resistance, and if we add some polyethylene with silica nano-particles it will make it more stronger, this is fascinating, how long did it took you to come up with it.

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Younger Skye: *nods* Okay, I think I understand that. I'll give it a go. You... uh... b-better stand a bit clear.


Older Skye: *starts a print out* I didn't. You got to work on improving them after you heard what happened to Lien-da.

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Tails: I'll spot you, don't worry.


Miles: *clearly forgetting his in the future* But the ones I'm working on are still on progress since I work on them when I'm not at work *remembers his in the future* Oh, right.... So this is my finish product...

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Younger Skye: *nod nervously. Takes a deep breath. Tails start spinning slowly* I'm.... I-I'm n-not s-sure I can d-do this....


Older Skye: *laughs slightly* Yes, yes it is. I'm just glad you didn't get so confused that you tried to lift me onto your shoulders!

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Tails: Don't be afraid, I'm here with you.


Miles: *Laughs pleasantly* I don't think I'd be able to do so, not with my age and back!

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Younger Skye: *looks at Tails scared. Gulps, nods, takes another deep breath and starts spinning tails. Takes off in tornado flight, then, eyes shut in concentration, starts to stabilize as tails spin and body holds still. Hovers for a few sections, before starting to tornado again, more erratic than normal*


Older Skye: *smiles* You'll still be able to do it with little me!

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(Ooc: Oh Skye)

*Tails starts flying, following Skye path*

Tails: *whispering to self* He's in trouble...


Miles: Yup, I still can.

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(ooc: I know, I know...)

Younger Skye: *suddenly stabilised again, body still tails spinning, but breathing heavily and looking distressed.*


Older Skye: Good. Otherwise I'd be disappointed!

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*Tails flies to Skye*

*surprised and content*

Tails: You did it! Yeah! *notices Skye's distress* Hmm, how do you feel?


Miles: Hmm, I want to know something. I've been writing procedures on every project I've been working on, intended to be passed to you. Did I ever gave them to you?

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