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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Heh, if I were awake his coup would have lasted a day or two. And I suppose you're right about yours and the others' descendents, if they're any good that is. Knowing my luck they'd be a bunch of pacifists. *laughs a little*

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I've... never thought about it before.... *starts spinning tails slowly* counter-clockwise.

(ooc: If I've looked at the pic correctly)

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(Ooc: counterclockwise should be the proper way, the other way would push air up, keeping you in the floor)

Miles: Pacifist? Most likely, but peace is never free, and trouble never ceases to be, let be natural or caused.... Makes me wonder of the future, much ahead of this, and now we have the capability with Tails' portal transporter.... I'm him, and I wouldn't exceed such capability.


Tails: Try it.


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You mean.... try spinning the other way?

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Indeed, evil will always exist. And such a device would be immeasurably dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands

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Miles: Since Tails is here with me, he's changing my memories as he acts. If I can recall that device was destroyed by me, or Tails when he returns, and now I have in my head the blueprints of such device, but if will not try to remake it.


Tails: Tell me first how do you fly?

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W-well I-I.... Try spinning my tails like you, but instead my whole body twists. But I s-still generate lift. But it's hard to steer and m-makes me dizzy.

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Tails: Then there's no problem with the orientation of the tails spin. What could the problem be? Hmm. Skye, when you start 'tornadoing', your tails stop moving and only your body rotates, right?

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Tails: Then it might have to be something with nerve signals, since it seems that your tails and body don't want to follow your orders.

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W-why would that be? And how do we s-stop it?

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Tails: Genomes, genetics, mutations, eating habits. There many possibilities. *starts thinking; observes Skye's features* You're not a pure fox, are you?

(Ooc: what am I getting into)

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(ooc: Uh oh......)

*grabs tails and starts squeezing* U-u-uh...............

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(Ooc: just a yes or a now will be okay)

Tails: If you're a hybrid then your genes would have to be a combination of both parents. You don't need to tell me who your mother is. So?

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(ooc: I know that, but Skye is just worried.... as usual!)

*nods nervously* Y-yes, I'm a-a h-hybrid. *winces, as if expecting reality to come crashing down*

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(Ooc: Haha, I was just wondering...)

Tails: Don't be nervous, you're not going to disappear just by telling me that you're a hybrid. Well then, that might be the problem with the nervous system, maybe the only solution could be concentration. Skye, concentrate on your tails spinning, and try not to think on the spinning of your body.

(Ooc: Guh, I'm making Tails sound so obvious, but in medical terms people who recover from paralysis have to relearn to control their body.)

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(ooc: Sometime you need someone to point out the obvious though)

O-okay, I'll t-try. Should I still hold onto a b-bar?

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Tails: Hmm, well before you are the ground your are spinning your tails, but thereafter in the air the problem surges. For now you should try the bar in the wall to keep you from tornado style.

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Okay T-tails. *Heads over and grabs bar. Starts spinning tails, eyes shut and tongue sticking out in concentration. Tails spin looking normal and Skye starts rising, but it's clear his body is twitching and would be spinning if not for the bar. Struggles to hold on.*

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*Tails remains quiet to keep Skye from losing concentration*

*in thought*

Tails: You can do it, Skye.

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*grip fails. Skye goes tornadoing out of control before landing. Staggers slightly, more dizzy than usual*

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*walks to Skye*

Tails: I'm wondering. What the longest do have last in the bar before losing grip?

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*Looks at Tails... or at least, the Tails he sees slightly to the left* I a-almost m-managed a m-minute once.

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Tails: This was about a minute and twenty, more or less. You might get better with practice. How about spinning exercises? Such as making and maintaining a fan with your tails.

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I can try t-that. I did it earlier w-with Fluffy. But I still need the bar.

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