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Free play mania 1.0

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Younger Skye: Aww, can't we stay a bit longer. C'mon Fluffy, you can swim too!

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Younger Fluffy: yay! *joins*

Older Fluffy: awwww, okay, kids! *to older Skye* you were always kind of a rebel.

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Younger Skye: Let's see how fast we can swim to the other side!

Older Skye: *grins* Only because you made me one!

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Younger Fluffy: *murmurs* but I don't know how to swim...

Older Fluffy: I think I should tell the younger me to treat you a bit harshly *mocks*

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Younger Skye: Then I'll teach you.

Older Skye: Oh c'mon Fluffy. You know you liked that side of me.

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Younger Fluffy: o-ok...

Older Fluffy: is there anything directly or indirectly related to Skye I cannot like?

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Younger Skye: *Holds out arms* Just keep ahold of my hands, and I'll show you how to kick.

Older Skye: *smiles and strokes her ear* You cute little charmer. I meant more than most.

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Younger Fluffy: *nods and grabs hand* okay.

Older Fluffy: *giggles softly* I'm not little anymore, but...yeah...

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Younger Skye: Now keep your legs straight and kick them under the surface of the wat... er, chocolate.

Older Skye: *cheekily* You're shorter than I am, so you're little!

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Younger Fluffy: *giggled a bit and nods, tries to keep her leg on the surface* I can't...

Older Fluffy: oh really *stands on toes and rises ears* now what?

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Younger Skye: Then just try and kick while keeping them straight first, okay?

Older Skye: This! *tickles Fluffy on the inside of her ears just next to where they meet her head.

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Younger Fluffy: this is hard here... I think we'll have to try in water...

Older Fluffy: *stands normally and lowers ears again, laughing* oh! Now you know my weakness!

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*Seviper emerges from the bottom of the lake*

Seviper: Boo!

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Younger Skye: *genuinely shouts scared*

Older Skye: *smiles* I've known before I was him. *Points at younger self*

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*Miles walks towards the cupboard and retrieves a cup*

*he walks towards the lake and scups with the cup*

*he walks back towards Older Skye*

*Tails continues swimming in the lake, happily drinking once in a while*

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Older Skye: *grines at Miles* Making the most of it without getting dirty!

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Miles: *smiling* Yeah, I couldn't resist myself from the chocolate, but I didn't want to get my utility belt and goggles dirty. Speaking of, did young Skye took off the belt I gave him a while ago?

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Older Skye: Uhhh, he might have left it back at our quarters, otherwise it might be a bit sticky now

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Miles: Good to hear, chocolate in the tools isn't easy to clean, and it might even rust them a bit. Anyways back to business. *takes a sip of the chocolate in cup* Mmmm, sweet.

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Older Skye: *laughs* A very sweet business!

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Older Fluffy: I'm glad you still keep your sweet tooth, father *smiles* for all I know, having me around will involve a lot of chocolate.

Younger Fluffy: *hugs skye* don't be scared!

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Older Skye: If the place alone wasn't enough of a hint!

Younger Skye: B-but... I-I... H-he.... *takes a few deep breaths trying to calm down*

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Older Fluffy: this is the best gift one could give *smiles at skye* thank you again.

Younger Fluffy: *kisses cheek* it's alright, be calm okay.

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Older Skye: *puts arm round Fluffy* Well, you did threaten not to come into space if you couldn't get chocolate!

Younger Skye: *calms down* S-sorry Fluffy.

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