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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Might as well give it a shot. *summons directions and uses chaos control* Anyone here?

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Seviper: This stuff ain't funny no more! Why does this happen to me all the time?!

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No idea! Maybe your just special

*Abruptly stops laughing*

Huh? Shadow? Where did you come from?

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Seviper: Ugh. Let's try again.

*Begins summoning and pink paint falls on him*

*SJ starts to laugh*

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*Tails starts observing Miles*

Haha, this is odd. Looks like I'll be pretty tall *he says as he looks up at Miles*, and will gave some cool brown boots and gloves, plus a utility belt and aviation googles. This is so weird...

Miles: So. Tails, we need to get my son's daughter back to her dimension. How are we doing that?

Tails: Well, I have a device for that, but we also need to help others to get to their dimensions. They're probably still where I appeared from.

*Tails starts walking towards the 'place'*

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*blinks, and hopes the younger tails didn't pick up on 'son's daughter'.*

*starts giggling as the two start interacting*

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Miles: What's that device you said could solve all of this?

Tails: Well, Rotor and I, made a time dimension jumper at the request of GUN to find Shadow who didn't return from a mission and Team Dark lost contact with him. I came here the first time and found out several people of different times and dimension are stuck in here. I went back home to make some extensive bands for transport.

Miles: I see, so now to ding the rest.

*they continue walking*

*Miles whispers to Skye*

Tails didn't react when I call you son. Anyways, I didn't tell you this before, but I missed you.

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*whispers to Miles*

I missed you too Dad. Especially when Ruby... m-my daughter s-showed up. I... could have done with some advice. I just hope we manged to sort this mess out, then we won't need to worry.

*suddenly stops walking*

No, wait... I forgot. Seeing you again I forgot...

*gulps and grabs tail, turning pale*

I... might n-not be... might n-not be S-skye...

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*a bit louder*

Miles: What do you mean you're not Skye

*notices Skye changing color*

Miles: Whoa, what just happened to you?

*Tails turns*

Tails: What's wrong?

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T-that's what I mean. My... my g-genetics have been... b-been a-altered. There's chameleon DNA in t-there now, and m-more. I... didn't read the rest.

I don't know w-what i-it m-means. W-why were they c-changed? And why d-don't I remember? Was t-this some kinda treatment w-when I was y-younger? Did I h-have some g-genetic disease t-that n-needed f-fixing? Or am I j-just a c-clone that's b-been i-improved and g-given fake m-memories?

I... I a-always r-remember being l-like this... c-chaining c-colour... Being yellow d-during t-the day and o-orange at night. Have m-my memories b-been changed t-too?

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Miles : Tails can you give us a moment.

Tails: Sure. *he walks away*

Miles: Skye, I have to tell you something. When Mobians of different species mix, they either have twins who are like their parents respectively. But when only one is born, the genes of the parents rearrange and mix during the mitosis process. Your color change between yellow and orange is the colors between your mother and I. What I don't understand is why your changing into different colors. I'll have to investigate, why, it might a genetic disorder by the mix of fox and mongoose genes.

*Miles hugs Skye*

Miles: I promise to resolve this when we get home.

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*clings hard into Miles*

B-but... the m-machine said I had Chameleon DNA. W-was the machine w-wrong?

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What machine? *starts thinking* You said you might bean clone with false memories. In those memories who is your mother?

*Tails sees from a distance how Miles hugged Skye*

Maybe Skye is my son *he thought*

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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-magically appears out of nowhere-

What'd I miss? And thank you for the welcome Shadow.

(ooc: Sorry about my early leave last night/yesterday. Power was out and returned when I was already asleep. -_-)

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(ooc: No worries. I know what that's like)

*glances over to make sure that Tails isn't in earshot. Whispers to Miles*

Mina, and I remember fighting Tikhaos as well.

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It is? Well, I guess I won't be doing any exploring then

*Turns to Selestial*

Um... hi again. Skye and Tails went off to find the other Tails. That's all

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(ooc: Thanks for that. :D )

Am I missing something here?

Edit: *slow internet connection. -_-)

*to Dylan* Other Tails? o_o

Edited by starbound18

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Yes, there are two Tails'. The younger one who has been mentioned and the older one who is Skye's father

(ooc: No worries. Happens to us all)

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So. Let me get this straight. There are two Tails. The other Tails is from the past and the other one is from the future? I'm getting confused now.

(ooc: thanks for understanding. :D )

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I have no idea where this place is on the timeline so I don't know who's from the past, present and future. It is pretty confusing

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Right, Another question. What is our purpose here? Why have been 'summoned' here?

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No idea. Possibly because the summoning is lonely. We're not sure

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Oh. Then are we on a journey to meet it?

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Not as far as I know. But as I said, I'm not entirely sure why we're here

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