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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Dad, it's me. But, uh... Okay... First, we're still trapped in this pocket Zone. And second... erm... there's a younger version of you outside gonna take us all home.

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*Miles stands from the wheeled board*

Whoa, but I've only been here for about two hours, or that's what it seems like. So, we are still stuck here and my younger self is here too?

*starts thinking*

Well, have you told him you're his, I mean my son?

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Two hours? But for me it's been days! But I-I... I haven't told him, b-but I think h-he... y-you... he might have f-figured it out.

*realizes something. Grabs tails and starts kneading*

And there's... s-something e-else I n-need to t-tell you...

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Yeah, I would have figured that out with the similarities of you and I, specially the tails.

*notices Skye's nervousness*

What is it, Skye?

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He might t-think I'm f-from a d-different Zone, given t-that some of us are, b-but, erm...

D-dad I... I have a g-girlfriend.

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You have girlfriend?

*wonders to himself* how long have I been here?

*looks at Skye*

How much have I missed? What happened while I was gone?

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Y-you.... haven't missed much... but we... f-found out t-that this place i-is controlled by... s-something. It can teleport p-people or objects into this p-pocket Zone. We-we've started calling it Summoning.

*Lightning strikes*

A-and it's likes being d-dramatic. But, er, you remember the little rabbit girl with Locke? Fluffy? The two of us... we... we... w-we got c-close and t-then... we realised we love each another... and... er....

*kneads tail harder*

Remember how you a-asked if your y-younger self knew I'm h-his son... Something,.. similar happened to me...

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*giant rock falls on Seviper's head*

*Seviper is knocked out cold*

SJ: Papa!

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*looks around with the sound of the lightning*

Yeah, I was wondering why lightning was striking once in a while. Well, love sometimes at a young age.

*starts remembering in a flashback*

I just hope what happened to me doesn't happen to you. No, Fluffy will never do that, she's a nice girl.

*notices Skye's apprehension*

What's that similar thing that happened to me?

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*Looks at Seviper and rushes to try and wake him*

That summoning is really mean to you isn't it?

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(ooc: Sorry Seviper, but Skye is nowhere near you I'm afraid)

Well... not y-you... t-the other y-you... Y-you see... the Summoning teleported in... m-my.... I-I m-mean Fluffy's a-and I-I's... we... w-we're going t-to h-have a d-daughter, and s-she's hear n-now...

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Seviper: You know I need to protect my self from these random things Dylan.

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*lightning strikes*

This pocket zone is very chaotic, well we need to send her back, older you and Fluffly might be in desperation looking for her.

*notices lightning*

Yeah this 'thing' is very dramatic.


*Tails starts to walk in circles as he waits*

What's taking Skye so long.

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W-we... we might be, if time is passing out t-there... And if we d-don't remember w-what happened h-here. B-but the p-plan is to t-take her home f-first,

But we better g-get moving, b-before the younger y-you get's worried.

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To start with, you ought to get a helmet

(ooc: I seem to have started a thing with lightning here. Awesome)

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Seviper: A snake wearing a helmet? That dosent sound strange?

SJ: Papa you look cool in anything.

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Okay, we should get going them, let me just pack some things for the way.

*Miles starts putting his gear and tools in his utility belt.*

Lead, the way, son. Oh, no more thing, I think my younger self might know you are his son, let's just not tell him who your mother is.


Maybe something wrong happened to Skye.

*Tails starts flying towards the workshop*

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I was n-never going t-to tell him t-that.

*walks out of workshop*

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*wandering around city* Joy, I'm completely lost. Can't they make maps in this place?

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Seviper: Fine.

*Begins summoning helmet*

*Cowboy hat appears instead*

That's not right.

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*Laughs at that*

Let me try

*Tries to summon a helmet on Sevipers head but ends up summoning bunny ears*

*Bursts out laughing*

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*Miles follows Skye out of the workshop*

*notices Tails approaching*

I still remember when I was eleven, all the struggles, but overall all the good memories.


*Tails sees Skye coming out of the workshop, followed by Miles*

*he lands and walks towards them*

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*looks between the old and young Tails*

S-so, uh... I guess y-you two know each other!

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