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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Uh, Dylan... are y-you o-okay. I d-din't mean... uh... t-to do this t-to you.

*looks at Seviper. Hides a giggle*

I'll k-keep that in mind! At least you don't c-change colour!

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A-are you s-sure. Do y-you need a-anything?

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O-okay then.

*looks at Seviper*

I think your Dad might be missing the rest of your family SJ.

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SJ: He's such a good papa, that's why I made him this.

*SJ gives Seviper a necklace*

Seviper: That's my boy.

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-randomly appears out of nowhere-

Hello happy people! What'd I miss? :3 And who's the new lil' guy? :3

And Dylan... or someone.. what is 'The Summoning'? *lightning flashes* Okay. That was weird.

Edited by starbound18

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This whole place is weird. Especially this strange entity orchestrating events. Just so long as I don't get anything or anyone dropping on me I'll put up with it.

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Don't say that Shadow! Y-you make it more likely.

*Turns to Selestial*

W-we don't really now what the S-summoning is. We've never s-seen it. But it does teleport s-stuff to us. Like Sevipers s-son there. He's c-called Seviper Junior.

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And sometimes it trolls us. Depending on the mood its in

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When i-it get b-bored I think.

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I, uh... t-think it already is!

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*turns to Shadow* Hello there.

*turns to Skye* okay. Seems like its a work of supernatural origin....

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I all it's done is trap me here. Perhaps it's too scared to do anything else. And hello there, welcome to the party.

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Whoa. And thank you. ^^

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*Lightning strikes right behind shadow*

Um... perhaps you shouldn't say things like that

(ooc: Just to be clear, the summoning is controllable by everyone, right?)

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It won't get closer. If what you say is true it wants us to stay here, not be cooked. If it wants me here I expect something good.

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Be careful. Or you might get something worse. It could summon an angry Rouge or something

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(Ooc: summoning is controlled by everyone)

Ruby: *to SJ* ello! *points to self* ruby!

Fluffy: hmmm... Ruby got a friend, that's nice *smiles* let's not try to create trouble for all of us

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SJ: Papa could you beat up a sky guy.

Seviper: Yeah, I'll give him the spinning poison tail I used on Zangoose 10 years ago.

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Ruby: *frowns and looks at fluffy*

Fluffy: *shakes her head* I'm sure he just couldn't listen to you

Ruby: *to Sj, shouting* hello!

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SJ: *Looks at Ruby* Hi!

Seviper: Go on boy, go play.

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