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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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*bear press its claw on throat against the wall*

Edited by Seviper

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*sees the bear attacking Seviper. Changes into tornado spin and slams into bear*

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Ruby: papa beat the bear!

Fluffy: *hugs ruby* thank goodness! Skye you need to see your daughter.

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That spin must've knocked out the old grizzly.


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*lands on the ground slightly dizzy*

I better g-get b-back. D-do you n-need a hand?

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*picks Seviper up*

Let me help you.

*flies back*

(ooc: Okay. Goodnight)

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You know I could've tooken that grumpy old furball.

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Sorry, b-but Ruby insisted I h-help you.

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Ruby: *points to a direction* Daddie!

Fluffy: No hone- *looks a Skye coming*...he needs to know about this.

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*arrives back, puts Seviper down, then hugs Fluffy and Ruby*

Daddy's back. And Seviper is fine now.

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Fluffy: Thank Goodness, *hugs back Skye and kisses on cheek*

Ruby: Welcome! yay! Seivper fine!

Fluffy: *nods* yes, honey. *whispers to Skye* I think we need to talk about Ruby.

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*slightly blushes with the kiss. Looks at Ruby and nods*

Yeah, we probably s-should.

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Fluffy: Ruby, will you be a courageous girl and sleep alone?

Ruby: *looks the Fluffy, smiled and nods*

Fluffy: *smiles back* I'll go and tug her in, you wanna come too, Skye?

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Fluffy: *enters the room and places Ruby on the bed* you feeling good?

Ruby: lullaby!

Fluffy: awww, *sings*

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*smiles as Fluffy sings, and kisses Ruby on the forehead*

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Ruby: *smiles, goes off to sleep*

Fluffy:*whispers* Good night, sweetie. *turns to Skye* let's go to the deck.

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Goodnight little Princess.

*walks out onto the deck, then looks back*

I... don't like leaving her....

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Fluffy: *frowns and nods* She's our daughter after all, but we need to talk away from her, I'm concerned about her, Skye.

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This is about her psychic abilities, isn't it?

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Fluffy: I don't know. It worries me that she's maturing too early, also that I have absolute no knowledge who are the people who she inherited this from and... *sobs* she's so perfect, I'm so happy *cries happily*

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