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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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(ooc: How meta.)

*raises eyebrow*

I t-think d-destiny would h-have b-better things t-to do.

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(ooc: This is... Wow. I have no idea how to respond)

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(ooc: it is kinda jumping the shark)

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(ooc: Basically everything that we've set up has been torn down, I think.)

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(ooc: That pretty much sums it up)

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Destiny has brought us all here.

Dosent sound very scientific, but there are somethings logic can't solve.

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(ooc: Locke, it isn't very nice for you to completely alter the status quo then not explain what the heck is going on now.

Plus, I have to say Locke seems very nonplussed about the the whole 'baby daughter' thing)

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Fluffy: *cries and hugs ruby* t-then... Ruby is j-just... *bursts in tears*

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*turns round and hugs both Fluffy and Ruby*

I'm sure she isn't. It would be too cruel if that was the case. She is our real daughter.

(ooc: Uh, Locke... some guidance as to WTF is going on here???)

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Is this all an illusion, a dream, or something twisted?

(Ooc: Yo bearded man where you at?)

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I really don't know. This whole thing is too strange. It doesn't make any sense.

(ooc: I think Locke has abandoned this topic)

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Fluffy: *looks at skye.* if... *bursts into tears*

Ruby: cry...no...don't

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*holds Fluffy tight, trying not to cry himself.*

Listen to our daughter Fluffy. Don't cry.

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Fluffy: *suppresses sob* okay...

Ruby: *smiles* mummy....look good...smiling

Fluffy: *smiles*

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Yes she does Ruby. Don't worry Fluffy. Despite what your Dad say's I'm sure Ruby is real.

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Fluffy: *presses rubys ears* let's hope not...and if..*suppresses sob* ...not... I want a child just like her...

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"T-that... uh.... m-may n-need to w-wait for a w-while...

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Fluffy: *blushes* yeah... I was talking about future,

Ruby: future!

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My future lies with my friends and my 8 children.

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Fear not people .


Gods , really ? come on , there is no way in haven a god would have enough time on his hand to make us live such crazy adventures.

And yes ... Everything happenning is real . Not just an illusion .

wait... That means ... Oh dear . There actually are gods playing with our lives.

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Fluffy: please be with us, Seviper.

DADDIE! Come on! We have a kid! It's not funny, don't you see I'm serious *angry*

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That... was a poorly timed joke.

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