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I know right?? :3 Little Fluffypaws!

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Should the Skunk let Zelian visit?

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.... Shinnimon shinkaaaaaaaa!!! xD

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No? It sounds badass and you're awesome why worry? 

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Unless Cheery and Geoffrey try to catch us again.

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I'm a Digimon =-= I only listen to one person and one person only the one who has the Crest since Digimon and Chosen Children yadda yadda yada.

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*has no idea about Digimon whatsoever so looks confused*

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o_o Skye-chan! We need to talk about Digimon. (I'm no expert but I watched three seasons of it and three movies I also played some game of it when I was younger)

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You found a rock?! o____o what kind of rock?

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SHINY?! O_O *looks at Seviper straight in the eye*

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*looks nervous*

Why are you looking at me that way!?

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Because you have pretty eyes? But that's not the only reason. You have a shiny rock and you didn't tell me until now?! O_o

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