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Okay... I... think... that's your liquid ready Dylan.

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Weird liquids being made here... o_o *jumps behind a barricade* =-= bring it on

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Don't worry Shinomi.   It'll only affect Dylan cause of the Fennekin Fever.  But... Dylan... I'm not sure... what effect fusing your normal grass type form with a new fire-type form will do to you...

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aw... o_o but I even had a soldier helmet! 

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Well, if you really want I could brew up something random and dangerous? 

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Mhm :3 *nodded many times really fast* 

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Oooookay.... something for you to drink, or just something to.. create a random effect...

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Okay Dylan.  *puts beaker down* Good luck.

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*Lifts beaker with mouth and drinks liquid*

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*watches, trying not to look worried*

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*smiles* That's great.  *pets* Wanna try changing?

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