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Blue remembers! It is Purrrrrritttteee Patttteeeezzz!

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They were. But that mouth isnt

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and now, the terrible thruth between Elias and Larry's relationship.


So, does that mean....


Hey boy.....

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Larry's part of Silver's team. So even if this was true, Elias would be disappointed with a lack of lynxes

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Elias never said Anything About field missions.......

And here is a special cheery, since He likes Sonic and Tails so much :)


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I'm leaving. The content here could end up being sexual.

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peoples... Locke is not doing this.

But if you are not happy....


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It is getting creepy and we don't want to scare off BlueBlur. Otherwise, Dylan will drop Locke off on the moon and leave him there

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Cheerleader wonders if the moon is still there, after he blew it up so many times.

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Locke will just upload normal Fanart .

Mostly sonic of course.

Also , The moon is still there, don't worry.

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Dylan knows the moon is still there, and if it wasn't, Dylan would drop anyone off on Mars instead

Also, Dylan takes the lead from the one who does not accept challenge

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Survivor , ever the sneaky one...

Too bad Locke was on guard duty today.

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Too bad Dylan's still winning then

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Dylan was proven wrong , once again, by Locke.

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Locke makes a mistake. Again since Dylan is clearly winning

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Nope. By Dylan, Dylan meant Dylan

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