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Last to post wins v3.0

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Let's try not to ask oursevle too much questions.

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I think he means we need pictures

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I have seen this video enough time already.

Is this wrong that I know the lyrics by heart?

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I'm gonna make the world explode! This is what I'm supposed to do, right. I don't really know the rules except "the winner is the last one to post!"

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Yeah, it can be done in many ways. At the moment we just can't rp. A challenge set by Geoffrey.

Actually, it's October. So does that mean...

Edit: Oh, and BlueBlur, fancy a turn in Who Am I?

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Dylan is right the no rping challenge is over.

Geoffrey St John now sets the nest challege that all posts for this month must be in third person.

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Locke asked himself why did he still allowed Goeffrey to do his challenges.

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Dylan thinks Locke is enjoying it really, but doesn't want to show it. Then Dylan questions why he is saying this

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Locke could not help but wonder how long he would support this before accepting the idea enough was definively enough.

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BlueBlur is wondering why BlueBlur, Dylan and Locke are all talking in the third person!

Oh wait, BluBlur just noticed.

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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Dylan is debating about staying off LP for a while...

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Oh Snap....


Locke decided that aiming his rifle at goeffrey would make him change his monthly challenge.

Because seriously, this one suck .

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Dylan decides to stay out of the conversations that could come up with threatening the mod of the forum with a gun

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Locke couls also upload many creepy sonic fan art.


"I'm sorry shadow, but my time here is ogre."

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BlueBlur will spank whoever is not speaking in the third person!

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Dylan will teleport BlueBlur to the moon if he spanks Survivor

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Locke is already tired of this....Couldn't Goeffrey do somethig else ?

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Geoffrey is debating how to punish survivor for failing the challenge.

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Locke is not agreeing, as he think that this challenge is bad and lack of interest , not like the others that pushed us to be imaginative.

there , All Locke had to do was to act as if he was role playing.

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Survivor has to talk like Elmo!

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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Geoffrey has been made aware that not everyone is happy with his challenge and one has even refused to do it. For that reason He may be willing to change it. But that must be earned.

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