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Was Goeffrey really willing to P*ss off locke ? It's not like he had 3 tumblr full of awkward Fan art ready to go....

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Geoffrey set a challenge simple as. If everyone continues to annoy Geoffrey like this then Geoffrey will not change the task and Geoffrey will not reply to the people involved.

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Locke is being tired of all of this. All he want is being able to play a forum game without having half of the player shooting each other with bad words....

It was not funny before, it hasn't changed today.....

And Locke still want to post funny pictures.

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Just for the record I don't like Elmo and I refuse to talk like him.

News Flash: I don't like him either!

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But Crypt has returned from his slumber. Crypt will now abide by the party thread and post to his liking. UNDERSTAND?! Crypt does, and Crypt hopes you do too.

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BlueBlur is shocked!

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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Dylan is wondering how something as simple as LP could turn into bad feelings so often

Dylan is sad by it

Dylan does not like Elmo either

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Dylan finds it funny that he goes into a topic to look at a new post just as it's thrown in the trash

Dylan is also feeling he is speaking too much like Dobby

(Please do not picture the voice with these words)

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Dylan rates such rubbish 0/10 rather than 10/10

Dylan doesnt like angry swearing robots. Dylan doesn't like picture

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Angry marines. alwaays angry .


Edit: there, there .

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Angry marines. alwaays angry .



Cheery's Darn eyes hurt, make it stop >->

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Choose something more pretty then. And Dylan doesn't mean crazy posters

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Another show Dylan never watched. Has Dylan missed too much?

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You are telling me. You missed. Inspector gadget ?


Knife to the head.

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Ducks just in time

Yes, Dylan did

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Locke is happy to not live in thailand. Their censorship is worse than 4kids.


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Wow. Just... wow. That is so well hidden, Dylan can't tell what it is

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Locke is agreeing. Thailand just saved the lives of many children today.


Apparently , yes, This is a thing.

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It seems recognisable but Dylan doesn't remember

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