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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Well, uh, maybe a mouthful," said Harmony taking a small bit. "Thank you Dylan!"

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Dylan beamed and began eating his own

"You're welcome! D'you like it?" he asked

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"It's pure sugar!" said Harmony. "I love it!"

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"Yeah! It's grea'!" Dylan exclaimed before continuing to happily eat his. He was nearly done

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Skye had finished his and there was sticky mess around his mouth. Harmony went to wipe it clean. Ziona was close to being done.

"Can I have another?" she asked.

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Zarks head whipped round to where the flash had come from. His expression on the photo would likely be rather comical.

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Dylan quickly finished the rest. There was cotton candy all over his face and T shirt

"YEAH! Can I have more too?" he asked

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"Maybe later," said Harmony, sighing at how messy the kids were. Miles shrugged and summoned a coped of wipes.

"Let's clean you before we go on," he said.

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Zark nodded in agreement. He gave Zunnie a questioning look, wondering where she wanted to go next.

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"Aww... I'm no' THA' messy!" Dylan whined

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Hope jumped when Mephiles stepped out of the brush in front of her.

"Excellent, you came running here in a fit of anger. Now be a good girl and stand still," he said as he shot a ball of energy at her.


Zunnie led the way.

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"Yes you are," said Miles as he went to clean Dylan up, while Harmony cleaned Ziona, who was also whining.


Zark followed.

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Hope tried to get out of the way but got hit in the shoulder and felt her arm go numb.


Zunnie got in line.


Zamy headed to an ice cream stand and got herself a cone, treating the day as a day off.

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Zark followed, looking up at the ride. He had a 'that looks insane' look

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Zark nodded. 'This was your choice' his look said.

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Zark grinned and got in, trying not to show any nerves.

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Dylan wriggles a bit as he was being cleaned and continued whining

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"Hold still," said Miles a little exasperated. "There, done. How can three kids get so messy so quickly?"

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Dylan giggled

"Did you call me a kid then?" he asked

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