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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm going to see if I can change the effects of the pool with this," said Miles, tapping the glass. He added a couple of drops of the food colouring, which caused the water to bubble slightly, then the colour disappeared.

Skye very quietly started to cast a spell.

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Dylan cocked his head a little as he watched the colour disappear

"Did you do it?" he asked

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"Ok Harmony, lead the way."


"No, I'll stay and try to deal with it the old fashioned way."

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"Thank's Zamy. I think I saw a clothes store just along the road," said harmony heading back out.


"That won't be far away. It's almost through," said melody.


"Not yet," said Miles. "I need to drink it."

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Dylan looked at Miles in panic

"No! Don't drink it! You'll change like me an' Skye an' Ziona did! I don't want you to change!" he said hugging Miles

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"Uh, Dylan, have you noticed my arms," said Miles. He held them up to show the orange fur. "If I'm right, all that will do is turn it green."

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Dylan looked at his arms but continued hugging Miles

"I like your arms orange. I don' want them to be green" he said still sounding slightly panicked

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"I don't like them either colour, but it's the best way to test it," said Miles. "Besides, I doubt the effect will last long."

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"Why don't you like them orange, Uncle Miles? It looks cool!" Dylan said trying to convince Miles not to drink the stuff

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Miles looked at Dylan. "Why don't you like the way you are?" he pointed out.


Harmony and Anna entered the clothes shop.


With a gulp, Melody dropped the forcefield,.

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Dylan separated from Miles looking shocked

"Th-that's different!" he exclaimed. Tears were starting to form

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(splash water on the lockes.)ME

(Spark continued watching Skye). its.. wait i have a better idea (he said making the lockes disapear and casting a spell were only 12 years and up could open the fridge.) there now open the door.

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Miles felt awful for upsetting Dylan like that.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have compared those two things. I'll... Ill give you another favor to make up for it. But its best I do this Dylan. It will help get you back to normal. "

Skye looked at the fridge and, with a heavy yawn, dismissed the magical ice gathering around his hand. He tried the fridge door.

"Hwey! Its stwuck. I... Cwan't.... Gwet.... Zzzzzzzzzzz...."

Skye, exhausted with overuse of magic, drifted off to sleep.

(ooc: Darn that a neat spell spark!)

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(ooc: Hmm... Yes. Better not tell the kids what Spark has done though ;))

"Do you promise you'll still be the same, Uncle Miles?" Dylan asked, looking at him wide-eyed

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(ooc: lol, yeah)

"Of course I will be. I promise, " said Miles

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"Okay. You can drink it, Uncle Miles" Dylan said reluctantly

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"I don't like this anymore than you do Dylan, but if it helps you it will be worth it," said Miles.

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Dylan gave a weak smile to Miles and hugged him again

"Thank you" he said

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Miles hugged him back. "Wish me luck," he said, picking up the glass

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"Good luck, Uncle Miles" Dylan said releasing him from the hug and sitting down to watch

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Zamy went inside the store.


The mist swirled around the chamber before slowly taking a solid form, resembling an imperfect copy of Shadow, grey where he was red, and lacking a mouth, though it still spoke.

"Shadow, we meet again at last."

Shadow's response was to homing attack it, though it just reformed behind him.

"Oh yes, you won't know me, but don't fret, you soon will."

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"Thanks Dylan," said Miles as he drank the water, and made a face. "Blech, tastes horrible. I forgot there was chlorine..." Miles didn't finish before he doubled over in pain.


Harmony was hurrying over to one section of the shop, then stopped. "No, no, those aren't my style anymore. Let's see what they've got for foxes." Anna just followed meekly behind.


"Wait, you know this guy Shadow?" asked Melody... "Or at least, he knows you..."

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"UNCLE MILES?" Dylan shouted sounding very panicked

(ooc: *Claps for Shadow*)

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The orange fur on Miles arm's slowly started warping to green. Miles gave a groan. "I'm... I'm okay Dylan. That was just... very uncomfortable."

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