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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"My point was that she was exceptionally cruel. I won't abandon you periid. Though where DID that idea of yours come from?"

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"Everything?" Dylan suggested as an answer

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"I.. I think it's another memory coming back..." said Miles, trying to concentrate.


"That sounds like a good idea. And I know where to start." She turned to her brother. "Skye, facing cooking a fry-up?"

"Yweah! Yweah! Yweah!" called Skye, rushing across the kitchen. Meanwhile, Harmony walked over to a nearby fruit bowl.

"Pick a fruit Dylan."

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"I think... There was a group of kids... they were throwing water balloons at me and calling me names. Then Mom arrived. She chased them off and took me home." Miles went silent, staring off into the middle distance.

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Dylan grinning and gave thought

"APPLE!" He then exclaimed

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Miles nodded. "I suppose that one came back with the whole talking about 'you not abandoning me'," said Miles. "That... seems to be it for now... Nothing else yet"


"Okay then," said Harmony as she took her knife, cleaned it, then carefully sliced the apple open. She gave it a sniff and seemed happy, then popped a slice into her mouth. Almost instantly a disgusted look appeared on her face.

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Dylan began giggling seeing her disgusted look

"Apples bad?" He asked

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"I was kinda hoping they'd all come back in a rush," confessed Miles. "But I'll settle for a trickle right now."


"Gah, it's all horrible and pulpy!" sound Harmony, swallowing as quickly as she could. "I love the taste, but the texture, that's just..." she pulled a face. "I think I'll stick with apple juice from now."

"I lwike appwles!" said Skye as he cooked.

"Yeah, that's odd. Obviously my change in taste inst just cause I'm a fox now."

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Dylan gave a bit of thought

"Maybe you should try bacon!" He said smiling. "Cause Melody LOVES bacon and if your different, you won't like it in the same way!"

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"Why do you think Skye is making a fry up?" asked Harmony with a grin. "But I... Melody only likes bacon in the morning... That might make it tricky to judge."

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"Maybe you should try stuff with Melody" Dylan suggested

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"Hmmm, that could be an idea. Where is Melody?" asked Harmony.

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Dylan shrugged

"I dunno. I haven't seen her much since... You know" he said

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"I hawven't see her swince she an Twikal twold me thwey lwoved each owther," said Skye cheerfully, still cooking.

Harmony started at Skye open jawed, the apple falling from her hand.

"Wh... what did you say?"

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Dylan looked at Skye a little surprised too. But less so than Harmony

"I thought only Melody loved Tikal. I didn't know Tikal loved Melody" he said then made a face. "Bleh! More gross love stuff!"

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"Lwove isn't gwross!" said Skye angrily.

Harmony turned slowly from facing Skye to looking at roughly where Dylan was.

"You... knew..." She looked up staring into the distance. "I wasn't aware of THAT aspect of my personality."

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"That's a good point," said Miles. "So it is probibly safer this way. Still, they could come a little faster," he added with a small smile.

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"Yes it is!" Dylan said stubbornly to Skye. Then he looked at Harmony. "Yeah! She told me before she talked to Tikal. And then I helped get her to talk with Tikal! I don't think you would be in love with her though, Auntie Harmony"

Dylan smiled. Though no one could see it

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"I would hope not," said Harmony with a note of hysteria.

"It cwause Melody cwame outta my hwead, and I lwove Twikal. That's why she dwoes!" said Skye.

"Please tell me your 100% certain about that!" begged Harmony.


Miles laughed. "You might find it difficult finding their address though!"

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"Good point. I'mg gonna go grab a drink from our fridge. Do you want to come and get anything?"

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