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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye quickly arrived in his lab, heading to the desk where the device had been sitting. It had been sealed in place by an small arrangement of five amulets, only...

"Odd... One of them is missing," murmured Skye to himself. He started looking around the lab for it, not realising that Miles had stolen it.

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Dylan finished drying himself

"I didn't realise how cold it was" he thought to himself shivering a little. He began looking for some warm clothes to wear

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"Where the heck could it have gone," asked asked himself, getting frustrated. "I better make a quick spare." He placed the device back in the sealed area, hoping the four would at least hold it until he got a replacement for the fifth.

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After getting changed Dylan sat on his bed. He was still feeling unwell

"Must've caught something from falling in that pool" he muttered to himself. "Perhaps I can sleep it off a little"

He yawned a little

"I'm feeling a little tired anyway. I guess today has just been that hectic" he then lay down in his bed and quickly fell asleep

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It didn't take long for Skye to make the replacement. It would have been faster, but he kept glancing towards the device to make sure it was still there. He put the new amulet in place and the five glowed slight for a second.

"Right, that's the shield in place. Now to work out how you got into the library."

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"Thanks," said Harmony with a grin. She did one last pirouette on front of the mirror, then toppled over as she lost her balance. She sat there giggling slightly.

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"Hmm. So removing that amulet caused feedback which triggered a locomotion spell. So that's HOW you ended up in the library," muttered Skye. "Still doesn't explain how the amulet got moved. Or why you're so drained of energy." Skye picked up a small tracker from another table.

"I better make sure that magic didn't cause any problems."


Harmony nodded while still giggling. "Yeah. Until I get used to this new balance and being back heavy." She stood up and gave her tails a quick brush with her hand to smooth them out. "Shall we get back to Haven? I... had a little idea."

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Following the tracker, Skye eventually found himself himself inside the library. "The signal is really strong here. There must but a strong concentration of mag...Uh oh..." Skye was staring at the pool, which was glowing faintly.


"Nothing that special. But I thought... I should try and get over my... my fear of Anna. So the two of us should go out to get me a new wardrobe," said Harmony.

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"Ok, that seems like a good way to do it. You should probably take Ziona with you on that, she's the fashionable one."

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Skye cast a few spells, trying to determine what exactly had happened with the pool.


"Okay. So you don't want to come?" asked Harmony.

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"Ah, I see. Are you sure you don't want a shopping trip and let Ziona take the hit?" suggested Harmony.

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"If your sure. Okay, let's head back. Thanks for letting me see myself in the mirror. Hmm," Harmony glanced back at her reflection. "Maybe I could get Skye to magically lengthen my hair before getting it cut."

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"You could do that, if he knew what he was doing." Zamy teleported them back to Haven.

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Skye viewed the results of his spell, looking worried. "How much magic did this pool absorb?" He cradled his face in his hands. "Maybe making a spell store was a bad idea." Then a thought occurred to him. "And... Dylan feel into this pool!" Skye gulped and hurried down the corridor.


"Oh, he does. The only reason I needed haircuts in the past was because Skye didn't like being my stylist. But I'm sure he won't mind a quick lengthening," said Harmony.

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Locke was busy cleaning what he could.


tikal stayed Silent toward melody, unsure about her feeling and the whole situation.


Glen was about to touch zionn's tail, since he couldn't have the booty for obvious reason.

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Skye headed to Dylan's room and started knocking on the door.

"Dylan? Are you in there? I think I might need to talk to you."


Melody took Tikal's hand. "Tikal? Say something. Please."


Sensing what Glen was about to to, Ziona began waging her tail around, forcing him to chase it if he wanted to hold it.

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"Oh yes. I can just guilt him with the whole 'you got my body wrong' thing!" laughed Harmony.

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"Sure thing," said Harmony heading off.

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