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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Un-possess? That sounds a little extreme," said Melody.

"Not really," said Skye sitting down at the table. "I... accidentally put some of myself into him in one of our fights." Melody stared at her brother.

"So does this mean he's back to being... what he was?" asked Harmony.

"I don't know," said Skye unhappily.


"I think some of the other female cops might not approve," laughed Ziona.

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"Ok Ziona, and sorry Glen, I don't fancy wearing my swimsuit all the time. Prisoners are trouble enough without eyeballing us."

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"Well I..." began Miles. "Do you remember when I, erm, kidnapped you. When Skye attacked me it turned out he accidentally put a little bit of his essence into me. Which is why I've been acting out of sorts recently."

Anna looked at Miles, clamping her hands to the surgery table to hide the fact they were shaking. She was already imagining the worst.

"So... everything that you've done since then... that was just... Skye acting though you?"


Ziona couldn't help but grin that Zamy had overheard.

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"Hum...Then how about just around me ? I'll behave , promise."


Locke said Nothing, assessing the situation.

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"I really hope I haven't lost my freind," said Skye.

"You aren't going to go all mopey on us again, are you?" asked Melody.

"That wasn't very nice M-m-Melody," said Harmony, trip[ping over calling someone else by her old name.

"Trust me, once you've seen Skye do this a few times, you'll get tired of it too," said Melody. "At least it's not as bad as him and Tikal going mushy on each other half the time."


Miles shook his head. "No. It wasn't everything. I think it made it easier, but the idea that something was corrupting my mind... I wouldn't be able to live like that. I... do want to change Anna. I still know I can... trust you and Zamy despite everything." He managed a small by genuine smile. "And I promise I won't kidnap you again."

Anna had been relieved when Miles spoke, but flinched at the joke. "That wasn't funny Miles."


Ziona tried not to burst out laughing. "Somehow I don't think they'll go for that either."

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"I wouldn't mind being in love with two beautiful creature such as you and zamy."


Red was now finishing her plate.

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"You seem to have developed a few annoying habits," teased Harmony.

"It happens when your stranded alone for a few years," said Skye dryly, filling his plate.


"I'm trying to be friendly here," snapped Miles, before grimacing as Anna flinched. "I'm... I'm sorry Anna..."

"Maybe it would be better if you left Miles," said Anna sadly.


"I think that might be too much for you," said Ziona.

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"And I doubt so , dear ... There would be more than enough glen for two girl."


"Now now, children..." started Locke.

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"Sorry Dad," said Skye. "I'm just on edge because of Miles."

I, uh... y-yeah, sorry D-dad," said Harmony.


"What? Anna, you don't..." began Miles.

"Please go. I thought you had changed. But now you gone back to being that same arrogant jerk you were before," said Anna, tears in her eyes.

"That's not true Anna," said Miles pleadingly. "I... I don't want to be an arrogant jerk anymore."

Anna shook her head.


"Well, well, well. You do have a high opinion of yourself," laughed Ziona.

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"I'm sure I'm good enough because you haven't left me yet. That's meaning something."


"No need to be on the ege yet, children . Miles , or should we say 'Milly' , is gone and forgotten."

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"I wasn't talking about Miley. I was talking about Miles. The kid about my age," said Skye.


"Just... give me a chance Anna. Please," begged Miles.


"It's meaning your ego's getting inflated," teased Ziona.

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"My little fox..." started Glen,before gently caresssing her cheek.


"I know son."

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"Sorry Dad. It's just, I keep finding friends then losing them," said Skye.


Ziona smiled, taking ahold of the caressing hand and kissing it.

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Glen simply smiled , enjoying one last moment of peace before the possible storm.


"Don't worry . at least, you still got us."

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Skye smiled. "Yeah. I do." He turned and took Tikal's hand again. "And you as well."


Ziona slipped a hand behind Glen's neck, and started tickling him again.

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"You seem almost infatuated with me Glen. Like you want to have your cake and eat it," laughed Zamy

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Tikal gently caress Skye's gand."Thank you , dear."


Glen didn't care much about zamy chit chatting on the radio when she had work to do. He had ziona after all.

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Skye smiled and raised his other hand to stroke Tikal's cheek. "No. It's me who should be thanking you Angel," said Skye.

"Oh great. There they go again," said Melody bitterly.


Ziona looked at Glen and laughed. "I think you broke him again!"

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"You know what ?" said Glen with a smile ."I'm going to do something useful for once." He took the radio and turned it off."There . We'll join them once wwe are ready after all..."


Tikal played with melody and gave her a little peck on the cheek."There you go~."

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Zamy heard the familiar click at the other end and knew the radio was off. She decided to look at her tracker.

"Everyone's here for once. Must be doing my job right for once."

The moment she said that images flashed in her mind of her messing up on the job in extreme ways, accompanied by the usual headache.

"I've had enough of this!" she growled through gritted teeth before flinging her head back against the wall, the sudden impact making the images stop.

"Real cute trick, Miles. Note to self, don't accept work related compliments," she groaned, rubbing the back of her head.

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"Wh-what...?" stammed Melody in shock as Tikal kissed her cheek. Skye gave a little laugh at seeing his sister speechless. Melody felt herself starting to blush but didn't know why. Her instinct was to run, but of course she couldn't.


Ziona sighed. "If you keep acting like this Glen you'll get me in trouble with my superiors. Which will make getting permission to live together much harder." She turned the radio back on.

"I'll be right over," she said business like as she powered up her teleporter.

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Tikal giggled."Don't tell me you were just jealous all along~."


"Oh man..... I Rarely get a say in that kin of thing unfortunaly." stated glen as he went against Ziona.

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"What? N-n-no!" spluttered Melody, feeling her face going redder. "Uh, well, okay. I was jealous that my baby brother had a relationship before I did," she admitted.


"I know, but that means you should try harder not to jepodise it." said Ziona, then she sighed. "Okay, one last cuddle before we head back."

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"Huh...Actually, I was going against you so I could be teleported as well, But I like that ."


Tikal smiled ."Don't worry, we'll find you someone , but I doubt there are many ghost girl around.....And chaos isn't really the perfect match."

(ooc: Knux , where chao and it's two elemental friends are ?)

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