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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"That's because I've got a handicap," joked Melody, as Anna began pulling ahead. "Oh no you don't. Hang on tight, we're gonna take a shortcut," said Melody, aiming for the wall of a nearby building.

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"Of course this work! Just hang on," yelled Melody as she ran into, and then up, the wall. She gave a relieved sound. "I wasn't sure I could do that with a passenger," she revealed. "But we'll have a more direct route from the roofs than weaving through the streets and crowds."

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Melody gave Hope a warm grin at that, and possibly would have jumped for joy if they hadn't been in the middle of a race.

"There's gonna be a bit of jumping ahead! Get ready!"

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"Here we go!" called Melody as she leapt three gaps in quick succession.

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"You're not having fun?" asked Melody with some concern.

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"Don't worry. One more jump to go then we can head back to ground level..... Run back I mean. Not falling!"

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Melody took the jump ahead. "That was the last one. Now just hop down from this roof to the garage roof to the ground," she said as she did just that. "Back on solid ground! Can you see Anna?" Melody asked.

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Hope sheepishly jumped down to ground level when she saw something coming towards them at great speed.

"I think that's her."

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"Unless her prime copy's out for a run that's her! We're ahead, and almost at the hotel. We've got a chance!" yelled Melody happily as she took off towards the hotel.

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"Whoops! Sorry," said Melody, as she doubled back and took Hope by the hand again.

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(ooc: I think I forgot to post something. Sorry)

Dylan hadn't noticed who was at the door and was still comfortably sitting in the chair

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"No problem. Now let's beat my Sis!"

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Melody gave a wide grin. "If you're up for it. Yell if you get vertigo!"

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"Yeah! Wait... Blast, Anna's already through the front doors! Looks like we don't have a choice if we want to win!" said Melody, now only a couple of meters away from the hotel wall.

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