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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Alright, I'm counting on you."Said Tikal.


"Thank you ." Said Glen. When suddenly he heard someone else .

"GLEN ! IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL WORKING ? " It was a moongoose that strangely looked like anna ."Wait what?" He tried to answer but ...

"And don't play like that! What Would honey think of that if she knew you were seein other girl.... " The moongoose was shocked to see who was there with Glen."Are you crazy glen ? this woman is dangerous !!!!"

Yup, no doubt on it , Glen and zionna had just met Mina and her boyfriend .

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Hope let out a small 'woop' when she defeated the boss, progressing to the next stage.


"Excellent. Come on Red, let's clear out the House."

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"I'll try not to let you down!" grinned Melody to Tikal as the game started again, this time blasting out heavy metal music.


To Miles relief Skye didn't ask any more question and they both went back to the game, there talk turning to that subject, then the other games in the arcade. When both boy's were finally defeated, Skye suggested one of the racing games.

'This kid seems really intent to be friendly,' Miles thought. 'Makes it easier for me then.'


"Me dangerous?" replied Ziona half in shock with the sudden interruption. "I think you're confusing me with someone else. No wait, I know for certain you're confusing me with someone else!"

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"I'm following you." Said Red."Let's hope this won't end up like at moebius biggest casino , ha ha ." She reminded a bit of that."With us running out of here our pockets full of money and dozen of guards on Our back ."


Tikal cheered them a bit .


"Someone else ?" Said Mina ."I don't think so , foxy girl ! I know that you are fionna !" She got closer ."You think that just changing clothe could have fooled anyone ? "

"Hey! Slow down mina . You name is Mina right?" Said Glen.

"Well of course it is ! Got memory loss now ?" Asked Mina .

"Look... I'm not .. Glen. I know him, he is ... a relative ." Started glen."And this girl here , sure as hell isn't ... what's her name anyways?"

"Fionna fox."

"Yeah, fionna , whatever... You get the idea !!!"

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Hope chose the next level, a desert base, after she took a quick glance over to Skye. She was across the arcade form him, but could make out him playing a racing game with the boy from earlier.


"Yes, hopefully we won't have to repeat that experience."

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This time Anna was doing a lot better. Melody by contrast, seemed to have a little trouble with the rhythm and missed a few steps.


"I'm gonna beat you!" called Skye.

"Not this time!" replied Miles. But Miles was far to worried about what was happening to actually enjoy himself. For now, he was just biding his time.


Ziona rolled her eyes and started searching through her pockets. "Yeah, you've definitely got me muddled.... Darn, I must have left my ID back the the hotel." She sighed.

"Even if I had it I doubt you'd believe it. Okay, what would it take to convince you we're not who you think we are?"

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"Oh yes." Said Red."But that was fun."


"Hold on." Said Mina."If you know glen..."

"Why don't you simply call him ? That would save us troubles...."

Mina's cheek suddenly got red."Oh my ... maybe I should have done that in the first time."

And so she did . she walk a bit far of everyone and started her call. after a little time, she came back."I'm... sorry about that people , that was quite rude of me to act like this..." She looked at Zionna "Well , I suppose I could always take you with me for lunch , right ? After all , Glen's family are also mine !" She said Happily .

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The perfect score flashed up on Anna's screen. She gave a little whoop of celebration, then looked embarrassed at her outburst. Melody screen showed 'very good.'


Both Skye and Miles appeared evenly matched at the game, and continued racing each other.


"Don't worry. I know the person you though I was. I'd have been rude too!" said Ziona. "Out of interest, what exactly did Glen tell you?"

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"Yes it was rather exciting. As was the celebration of our success," said Crowley.

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Tikal cheered up even more .


"Ah yes..." Said Red."Those were the days.... hopefully for you , I highly doubt action is going to leave our lives that easily ."


"welll....."Started Mina."He said That the handsome looking echidna was alright , and that his foxy girlfriends wasn't the one she was looking like ... In other words , The both of you are completely different people than the one I though you were . Again, I'd like to apologise ."

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"Do you want to keep playing Sis?" asked Melody, "Or try a different game? Or go shopping now?"

"I... uh... I'm not sure," replied Anna. "Do you have a preference Tikal?"


"Don't worry about it. At least we all got it sorted out!" replied Ziona, then she whispered quietly in Glen's ear. "Probably best we don't mention the whole Zone thing."

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"No, I didn't mean it that way. It doesn't matter really."

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"Given I'm still employed I'm sure I'll still have plenty of action. Unfortunately, I doubt your new life will be as exciting as your old one."

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"You saw what happenned yesterday Crowley . It won't ." Said Red.


"A preference ? Not really," Said Tikal.


"Dylan...." Said Locke upset."What is going on ?"


"Yeah ."Said Glen, as if to answer both Mina and Zionna .

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"That was an off chance occurrence. The simple matter is that unless you seek out such things, you're unlikely to experience them up here. The real world is back down below."

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""Crowley , I'm living with the guardian of a source of unlimited power . My two children are coming from a place full of violence and hatred, and even if they try to move on, it might try to bite them back. And then...." Red stopped for a while."There is us ..... A peaceful life might never be possible for the two of us. You know that..."

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"There's nothing wrong, Locke. Why are you upset?"

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(ooc: Heh. Just as well Anna didn't hear what Red said there. That might have knocked her confidence down even more!)

"Shall we see what Hope thinks then?" suggested Melody.


"So... I guess I'm just curious, but what's the celebrity life like?" asked Ziona to Mina.

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(Ooc: Red is seeing anna as a sister . That's even better )

"Celebrity lifestyle ?" Asked Mina."Well , i cannot really say i'm living the life of thise stars on Television... Since I like to keep it simple..." She kept on."I'm often on the road , and I mainly live for music and those I love and cares about ." She smiled a bit."That's how I got to meet Glen ."

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(ooc: I am trying NOT to think of th current family tree now. It was twisted enough already! :P )

Melody began looking for Hope in the arcade, and spotted her. "Better wait, don't want to interrupt her game. She certainly seems rather intense!" She turned to Anna and Tikal. "Keep you fingers crossed that she doesn't get so frustrated that she accidentally causes some kinda magic outburst. It can happen to some trainee spellcasters."


"That's good," replied Ziona. "It helps keep you grounded in the real world."

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(Ooc: there is a familly tree ?)

"It's alright dylan.if you are fine, I have no reason to be upset." Said locke .


"Or worse ... she send us all in the game..." Said Tikal.


"Well, you girl seems to be having fun."Said Glen."But you said Something about lunch ?"

"Well, if I didn't know better , I'd say you are just like my glen: A walking stomac ." Mina laughed a bit.

"Well, aren't we all in a way ?" Said Glen

"We all have a stomach , we just don't let it make half of the talk everyday."Joked back Mina."But yes, I said That."

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Hope's face dropped as she got shot down.

"So much for my high score."


"Though that is true, the fact is things are more eventful on the ground. And a peaceful life is not possible for me. I think you'll manage just fine."

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"I doubt that'll happen Tikal," replied Melody. "She's probably not powerful enough for that. Worst would probably just be a light show." Melody turned back to see Hope was done. She walked over.

"Hey Hope. Wanting to keep going, or head to the shops now?" asked Melody.


"Better to have his stomach talking than is mouth," Ziona teased.

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"Good, you had me worried there, for a minute"

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"If you want you can go on ahead and I can meet up with you? I won't be long, and honestly my input won't be of much use helping you decide what to get," replied Hope.

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