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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Dr Eggman.  You must know of him," said the Voice as the reached the back wall of the cave.


"Nice to meet you Lance," said Ziona guardedly.  "How did you arrive here?"

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"Nuh uh. He sounds silly" Dominic said

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"How can a man be made of eggs?" Asked Ally 


"Th-That's not important!" Said Zangoose quickly.

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"His name my be a joke, but his actions are not," said the Voice as a hidden door in the cave wall opened.


"I think it is," said Ziona crossing her arms and giving Zangoose a hard stare.

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"Hmph. I still don't wanna go with you" Dominic said

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"I just wanna go back home!" Said Ally 


"Well...he might've came through a dimensional transporter that I might've built..." Replied Zangoose 

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"It is safer here than in your home.  The Doctor will find you there," said the Voice as he carried the children through the door, which closed behind them.  The grip vanished as he put the three down.


Ziona sighed.  "Great.  MORE paperwork!"

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Dominic hurried back to the door

"I still wanna go home" he said. "So I'm gonna go back"

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Ally went to check on Stacey.


"Looks like we're gonna have to check your lab for weird stuff!" Said Seviper 


"You need to relax Dad...oops." Said Lance 

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The door remained solidly shut as Dominic reached it.

"Javier?  What's going on?  Who are these children?" came a voice as a female chameleon stepped out of the shadows.


Ziona almost dropped the handheld computer she was booting up, staring between Lucas and Seviper.  "This... has just gone from more paperwork to a LOT more paperwork and a possible court martial!" she murmured, half jokingly, half in shock.

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"Maybe I can open it..." Dominic said

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"Wait...What? This can't be...who's Your mother?" Said Seviper 


"Isn't it obvious? I didn't plan for this to happen.." Said Lance.


"Well I can see your busy..." Said Zangoose trying to sneak away.

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"They are ninjas, like us.  I took them here to be safe," said Javier, still invisible.  The chameleon sighed.

"I doubt stealing them away was the right thing."  She looked towards Dominic.  "You won't be able to open it just by looking at it."


"Oh no you don't!" said Ziona, clamping an arm on Zangoose's shoulder.  "Okay, I need to know what happened!  Exactly!"

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"Hmph! I know!" Dominic said concentrating on the door to open it

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Ally tried to wake Stacey up.


"The machine kinda turned on and there he came out." Replied Zangoose 

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The door started to open as Dominic concentrated, while Stacey groaned a little as he started to come round.  The Chameleon stared at Dominic.  

"How are you doing that?" she asked amazed.


"Just came on?  By itself?" asked Ziona unconvinced.  She turned to Lance.  "And what's your excuse?"

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"Easy!" Dominic said as he got the door open, then turned to look at the chameleon. "By using my earthy powers!"

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"Are you okay?" Asked Ally 


"I was listening to Mina Mongoose was I building it..." Replied Zangoose 


"I was in battle." Said Lance.


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"You have Earth powers?" she asked, equilly amazed.

Stacey graoned again as his eyes flickered open.  "A-awwy?"


"Battle?  With who?" Ziona asked, a hint of worry on her face.

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"Of course!" Dominic said looking proud

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"Yes, it's me." Said Ally 


"That is unimportant right now. Is that sandwiches!?" Replied Lance.

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"I've heard of people with such powers, but never seen them myself aside from the Guardian," said the Chameleon.

Stacey sat up and hugged Ally.


"You're your father's son alright," sighed Ziona.  "Do we need to worry about any more kids popping in?"

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Ally hugged Stacey back. 


"Nah. Fenn's probably taken over for me while I'm gone." Replied Lance while eating a sandwhich.

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Stacey looked over, smiling as Ally hugged him.  "I thwink Skwye's stwep-bwothew is thwe Guawdian," he said.


"I..see.... and what about Zoe?" asked Ziona nerviously.

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