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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Zoe headed into her room, muttering that 'it was still too early'.  She was a little surprised seeing Sarah there, and looking happy.  "Dreaming of home maybe?" she thought to herself.

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Myra and Honey walked to their room, and where almost there when a large crash came from Varen and Tirade's room. "What was that?!" Myra exclaimed.

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Skye jumped.  "Are those two fighting?" he asked.

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"Knowing them, yes." Myra replied. "Honey, you go to bed, and I will deal with our dofus brothers."

"But..." Honey began.

"No, go to bed" Myra cut her off.

Honey went into their bedroom, grumbling.

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Seviper and Fenn then headed for Zoe and Fenns room

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"She's gonna be a handful when she gets older," said Skye.

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"Definitely, I can only hope that she won't be as stubborn as her brothers." Myra replied.

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"Here we are. Night sweety." Said Seviper. 


"Night daddy." Said Fenn as she laid down in her basket.

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"She might be worse!" warned Skye.


"Good night to," said Ziona as she joined Fenn and Seviper.

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"That would be terrifying!" Myra answered.

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"Teenagers can be, at least that's what Dad said.  But we should get to sleep too," said Skye.


"She's so adorable!" smiled Ziona.

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"I wonder if that how all adults see us..." Myra said thoughtfully, "That would explain alot." She then sighed, "Alright, I'll go to bed, as long as my brothers don't get too noisy." 

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"Well, not all, but a few," grinned Skye.  "Sure thing, I'll see you in the morning!  Let's hope they settle down now!"


"But we should get some sleep too, before the inevitable rush in the morning," said Ziona.

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(All my characters are asleep so I'll be ready to move on when everyone else is for the record)

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"Good Night." Myra replied, as she went to her room. She closed the door behind her and floped on a bed, falling fast asleep.

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(Well almost everyone is asleep, or on their way now, so next day?)

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(Okay then)

Skye woke up with a yawn, pulled on a dressing grown, and started heading to the kitchen.

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Honey woke up and tip toed of her room, as Myra was still asleep.

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