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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I... I didn't know... you felt that way," said Anna, feeling her face turning redder.

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I can say the same thing to you. (He said getting a little redder as well.)

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"I need to show you something. It's about the ship you came in." Said Phil.

"Okay but I should tell Fenn where I'm going and apologize to Skye first." Said Seviper.

"It won't take long friend!" Said Phil.

"Alright." Said Seviper a little suspicious of Phil as he followed him.

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Anna giggles a little, moving closer to Spark. "I always did care for you, since you first came.  You were so.. sweet and naive.  So... different from anyone else I met."

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Seviper and Phil made it outside and headed for where Seviper was found.

Fenn exited the gym and headed for the kitchen.

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(Spark leaned in closer as well.) When I first saw you..my point of view of life was changed, I lived in a world of hate... but when I met you I new what happiness was.

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Anna smiled more.  "Is that why you found it so hard to talk to me at first?" she asked, bringing her face right next to Sparks.

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Yes. (Spark said getting slightly redder.)

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"But we can talk to each other now," said Anna.  "And I want you to keep feeling that happiness."

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I know, I want you to be feel happiness as well. (Spark said quietly.)

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"I think we'll both be able to do that," said Anna quietly as she kissed Spark.

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(Spark closed his eyes and went with the flow.)

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Anna moved her hands around Spark and hugged him tight as they kissed.

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(Spark felt Like the whole world stopped and the only mobians in the world was him and Anna, as she hugged him tightly he hugged her back.)

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Anna broke off the kiss, but didn't say anything.  She just smiled and leaned her head against Sparks, shoulder, keeping her arms round him,

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(Spark looked down and smiled at Anna, he kept his arms around her as she did to him.)

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"I don't want this moment to end," whispered Anna quietly. 

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"Then we won't let it," whispered Anna, moving her hand along Spark's spines.

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Okay. (He said moving his hand across Anna's cheek.)

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Anna smiled more, bringing up one of her hands next to Spark.  "I.. I never thought this would happen, but I'm so glad it did."

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(Spark slowly brought his forehead to Anna's.) I'm as glad as you are.

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"It's funny how our lives have turned out, leading to this moment," smiled Anna.

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Yea, I just wish I would have told you how I felt sooner, but it feels ten times better telling you now. (He said kissing her forehead.)

Edited by Spark Falls

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"If... if you had told me sooner... I might have..." Anna gulped.  "I might have let my... feelings for Crowley get in the way."

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