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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Zoe giggles and started to climb.


"Yes it is!" said Harmony, smiling back.


"Having fun?" Stacey asked.




Skye crossed the finish line around the middle of the pack, the swooped over to where Spark and the Rogues were talking.


"One things I don;t understand, if Spark was disqualified, why did the announcer say he was still in the race?"

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Dominic kept climbing but he couldn't help but stick himself to the wall ever so often


"Do you... want to keep playing then?" Mark asked


Sarah gave a slow nod

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(just wait.)

Breaking news, It appears as the referee's have reveiwed the rules and Spark Falls violated the multiple gear rule so there for he is disqualified, and Jet the Halk is the winner of this race. (the annoucer said.)

(There you go.)

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"You're cheating!" Zoe called, though she herself was using he wings occasionally to steady herself.


"Of course I do!" Harmony grinned.  "What'cha wanna do now?"


"Great," smiled Stacey

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"I can't help it!" Dominic said


"I... don't mind... I haven't done any of this before


Sarah smiled again

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Zoe giggled.  "Okay, I'll let you off!"


"Actually... a lot of this is new to me too!" confessed Harmony.  Shall we try the chute then?" she asked.


"Do you wanna try a bit faster?" asked Stacey.




"I think the announcer needs to learn the rules!" giggled Skye.

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"Really?" Dominic asked


"We can try..." Mark said


Sarah gave a small squeak


"I-if y-y-you w-want" she said

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"Yeah!  You're trying not to!" said Zoe


"Let's go," said Harmony, jogging to the chute.


"Nah, we don't have to," said Stacey 

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Tell me about. (said Spark with black smoke coming off the top of his head, showing that he was angry.)

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"Thanks" Dominic said continuing to climb


Mark chases after


"Are y-you sure?" Sarah asked

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"Er.... I... think we better go now Spark..." said Skye.




"Er... you're... welcome?" said Zoe, climbing as well.


"Do you wanna go first?" asked Harmony.


"Are YOU?" Stacey replied.

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"Oh yeah, I see," said Miles.

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"I'm gonna get there first!" Dominic said


"I... think I want you to go first" Mark said nervously


Sarah squeaked again unsure how to respond

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Miles giggled.




"No you won't!" called Zoe, though she was behind.


"Okay!" said harmony, spinning her tails and flying to the top.


Stacey waited for an answer.

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"Yes I will!" Dominic said. He was very close to the top


Mark watched carefully


"Y-y-yes?" Sarah asked squeakily

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Zoe used her wings to give her a burst of speed.


Harmony landed at the top of the chute.  "You coming?" she called.


"Okay then," said Stacey

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"Hey! That's cheating!" Dominic said as Zoe sped towards the top


"Oh... yeah..." Mark said climbing up


Sarah held on tight anyway

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"But I wanna win!" called Zoe.


"I could have flown you up," said Harmony.


Stacey started to turn the ride again, but not fast.

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"Yeah! But I thought we weren't supposed to cheat on purpose!" Dominic said reaching the top


"No... I can climb up" Mark said


Sarah kept holding on and didn't squeak this time

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Yah probably.(Spark said making another inferno gate,this time in front of him and Skye.) see you on the other side. (he said jumping in.)

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"Yeah...but... winning is important!" said Zoe.


"Okay.  I'll wait," said Harmony.


Stacey jumped back on again.




"Okay, he didn't level the racetrack, that's good," muttered Skye as he jumped through

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"I know..." Dominic said


Mark caught up


"Okay. I'm here" he said


Sarah looked at him nervously

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