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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Really cool! We don't need to worry about the silly rivalries!"


"Why don't we start at the beginning?" suggested Melody

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Dominic giggled

"Yeah! If only Zoe was pur cousin too. Then we also wouldn't need to worry about it with her" he said

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"It should be. Though I imagine later ones improve as the series finds its feet," said Hope.

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"But if she was.... you and her wouldn't..." Stacey giggled.


"Oh, no doubt. But it'll be interesting to see where it started from!"

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Dominic suddenly went a little red

"Oh yeah. It would be too weird" he said


After a while, Sarah finished washing herself

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"Yeah. But we're all still friends despite the Houses," said Stacey.


Zoe had got a set of clothes and a hair brush laid out and ready


"great. Just get some popcorn and we're all set!" said melody

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"That's all that matters" Dominic said grinning


Sarah ppeaked out of the bathroom

"I-I'm done" Sarah said

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"Darn. Do we have any other snacks?" asked Melody.


"Exactly!" grinned Stacey. He started to climb one of the trees.


"That's good Sarah," sauid Zoe. "Dry yourself off, then you can get dressed."

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Dominic grinned and started climbing too


""Oh. Yes. Of course. Sorry" Sarah said closing tge door again

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Stacey climbed up to the top and looked out. "Our new home..."


Zoe giggled.

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Dominic looked around

"It's so peaceful" he said


Sarah soon came out again with a towel around her. She was dry but her hair was still a mess from her attempts to dry it

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"There's war here too," said Stacey. "But this island seems to avoid the worst."


"Okay Sarah, get dressed, then I'll brush and comb your hair," smiled Zoe.

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"Yeah. I guess that's good" Dominic said


"Wh-what am I w-wearing?" Sarah asked

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"Yeah. A shame there isn't true peace here," said Stacey


"I've looked out some of my clothes for you to wear," said Zoe.

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"Maybe we should get lunch before the film starts then. It's been a while since breakfast!" said melody

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Melody giggled. "Don't you mean centuries? That's enough to make anyone hungry!"

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"Very true."

Shadow scoffed at them.

"You got the luxury of travelli g that time span near instantly. Try being frozen for 50 years then you can tell me what hunger is."

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"Yeah..." Dominic said sighing. "But maybe in the future!"


Sarah's eyes widened

"I-I c-c-can't w-wear y-y-your clothes" she said

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"I now imagine the first thing you did on being defrosted was scavenge for a bag of chips!" giggled Melody.


"We can hope.... I think Skye remembers this world being peaceful in his old time," said Stacey.


"Well we've got nothing else for you to wear, so mine will have to do until we get you more," said Zoe.

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