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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Agreed." Zunnie took the coordinates from Zamy. "Ready Zark?"


Hope took out the film. "What do you want, comedy? Martial arts?"

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"Aren't you forgetting your Dad know's magic!" said Miles with a wink.


Zark nodded, giving a thumbs up.


"Oooh, martial arts sounds fun," said Melody, perking up

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Dylan's eyes widened

"Oh yeah! Uh... can you magic some flower jewellery for me to give to Ziona, please dad?" He asked

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"Since you asked so nicely, sure thing Dylan," said Miles. "I'll need to teach you one of these days."

Miles began to cast, then paused. "Do you want normal jewelery, or somthing a bit more magical?"

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Dylan grinned

"Somethin' more magical! Something more magical!" He said excitedly

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"No problem," said Miles as he concentrated and a hair clip with a large flower attached appeared in his hand. As he held it the flower opened, slowly changing colour.

"There, it will change to suit whatever she's wearing, and looks completely real," said Miles. "And tell her you made it yourself, I'll keep it secret!"


Zark braced himself, ready to deal with any threat.


"Ooh, what is it?" asked Melody excitedly

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Dylan took it and stared for a moment. Then hugged Mikes again

"Thank you dad" he said almost crying again. "You're the bes' dad ever!"

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"I just do my best Dylan," said Miles hugging back. "And you're the best son I could have."

'He... he think's I'm a good Dad...?' thought Miles. He was struggling not to cry happy tears himself.

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(ooc: Don't tell Skye)

"Am I really?" Dylan asked looking up

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(ooc: Yeah, that would NOT go down well!)

"Yes you are Dylan, yes you are," smiled Miles

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The two Crowleys flinched when they saw the Zone Cops appear in the distance behind them.


"It's about a guy in the Dragon Kingdom, he's amazing at an obscure martial art but gets better when he's drunk. He ends up fighting against a group trying to steal artifacts."

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(ooc: At least right now he would see him as his uncle rather than father)

Dylan smiled

"Thanks again dad. I'm gonna go give this to Ziona now" he said

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(ooc: that's a good point)

"Sure thing Son. Good luck," said Miles.


Zark looked a little surprised, seeing the two Crowleys.


"He get's better while drunk?" laughed Melody. "Sounds great fun."

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Dylan smiled again and ran off looking for Ziona

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"Zone Cops? What are they doing here?" said the older one as Zunnie headed over.


"It is a very fun film."

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Miles smiled and followed, though kept his distance.


Ziona and Skye were with a group of triceratops. Greeny was playing with a couple of baby ones, while the kids were sitting on top of one of the bigger ones whooping excitedly. Ziona turned and saw Dylan.

"Dylan! There you are!" she called waving. "Where were you?"

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"Hi Ziona! I have somethin' for you!" Dylan called excitedly as he ran over

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"You do?" asked Ziona sliding off the dinosaur. "That's nice."

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"Yeah! Close your eyes an' hol' ou' your hands!" Dylan said grinning

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"Oh, okay," said Ziona with a smile. She did as she was asked, but clearly had one eye slightly open.


Zark followed Zunnie, watching the area around.


"Then let's get started,"

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Dylan giggled

"Both eyes closed, silly" he said

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"Awww, okay," said Ziona, shutting both eyes this time

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Dylan smiled and placed the hair clip in Ziona's hand

"You can open your eyes" he said

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"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Zamy sent us. I'm Zunnie, this is Zark. He's immune to magic, so you can see how he'd help."


Hope put the new film in.

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