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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Even being patient would make it hard to withstand some of this stuff," said Melody.

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Dylan kept running until he bumped into Ziona, to which he then fell to the floor

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Ziona fell to the floor too, letting out a pained 'Owwwwww!'.


"Yeah, I know.... I used to deal with it by doing pranks, but..."

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Dylan got up a walked over to Ziona

"Im so sorry! I didn' mean to knock ypu down!" He said panicked. "Le' me help you up!"

He held out his hand

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"You can't do that anymore. You'll find something else."


Zamy smiled back.

"Thanks. Almost hard to think how it was so little time ago we were both there in the academy."

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"It's okay Dylan," said Ziona, rubbing her head and taking Dylan's hand. "I should have watched where I was going."


"Yeah... silly pranking ban... got any suggestions?"

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"Shadow throws Chaos Spears at the range when he's angry. But I don't think destruction is up your alley."

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"Nah, not really. Maybe I should just go for a long run..."

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"Yeah. And once we get a training area set up it'll be easy," said Melody. "I am gonna miss pranking though."

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Melody burst out laughing. "I'd NEVER dream of it, don't worry!"

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"I just wanted to be sure. About the only thing you could get away with here would be a whoopee cushion."

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"Hmmm, I think even that might be too risky," grinned Melody.

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"Nuh uh! It's my fault! I should've been more careful!" Dylan said sadly

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"But..." began Ziona as she stood up.

"Er, how about rather than arguing, we get Rexy back?" suggested Miles.

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Dylan turned to Miles looking embarrassed

"Oh... yeah. That's a good idea" he said

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"Yeah, let's do that!" said Ziona, still rubbing her head, She was trying not to cry.

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"Yes," said Melody as she collapsed into a chair. "A shame military types don't tend to have much of a sense of humour."

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"Yeah, I guess," said Melody. "Oh well, it doesn't really matter."

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Melody sat back, taking a rest.

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